Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan Bmma
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The 5 Women Who Led The Fight Against Triple Talaq
- Tuesday August 22, 2017
- India News | Edited by Nidhi Sethi
The Supreme Court today banned the controversial practice of triple talaq that allows Muslim men to divorce their wives instantly by saying "talaq" thrice. A five-judge bench ruled that the practice of instant triple talaq is unconstitutional and against the teachings of Islam.
Blog: Ban Triple Talaq, Declare Muslim Personal Law Board Illegal
- Monday April 18, 2016
- Blog | Mohd Asim
The government and the Supreme Court must weigh in on the side of the Muslim women. The Muslims Personal Law Board must be shown it place.
The 5 Women Who Led The Fight Against Triple Talaq
- Tuesday August 22, 2017
- India News | Edited by Nidhi Sethi
The Supreme Court today banned the controversial practice of triple talaq that allows Muslim men to divorce their wives instantly by saying "talaq" thrice. A five-judge bench ruled that the practice of instant triple talaq is unconstitutional and against the teachings of Islam.
Blog: Ban Triple Talaq, Declare Muslim Personal Law Board Illegal
- Monday April 18, 2016
- Blog | Mohd Asim
The government and the Supreme Court must weigh in on the side of the Muslim women. The Muslims Personal Law Board must be shown it place.