Bureau Of Alcohol
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America's Penchant For Guns Stronger Than Ever After Attacks
- Tuesday December 15, 2015
- World News | Agence France-Presse
The Paris and San Bernardino attacks have fueled a surge in US gun sales, as Americans seek to protect themselves -- and stock up in case lawmakers finally act to tighten firearms controls.
US Probe Sees No Links Among Black Church Fires in South
- Friday July 3, 2015
- World News | Reuters
Federal law enforcement officials have found no links among any of several recent fires at African American churches in the US South and have determined that two were started by natural causes and one was due to an electrical fire.
Soon, powdered alcohol to give you a high!
- Tuesday May 27, 2014
- IANS, New York
Find carrying wine or vodka bottles troublesome? This is what you need, just sprinkle the powder over food or mix it with plain water or juice and get a high!The US Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau has approved the sale of powdered alcohol in...
Feeling tipsy? New apps read blood alcohol levels, hail a taxi
- Tuesday September 17, 2013
- World News | Reuters
Before getting behind the wheel after a night out, a driver can test his blood alcohol level with new apps that not only give a reading but can call a cab.
America's Penchant For Guns Stronger Than Ever After Attacks
- Tuesday December 15, 2015
- World News | Agence France-Presse
The Paris and San Bernardino attacks have fueled a surge in US gun sales, as Americans seek to protect themselves -- and stock up in case lawmakers finally act to tighten firearms controls.
US Probe Sees No Links Among Black Church Fires in South
- Friday July 3, 2015
- World News | Reuters
Federal law enforcement officials have found no links among any of several recent fires at African American churches in the US South and have determined that two were started by natural causes and one was due to an electrical fire.
Soon, powdered alcohol to give you a high!
- Tuesday May 27, 2014
- IANS, New York
Find carrying wine or vodka bottles troublesome? This is what you need, just sprinkle the powder over food or mix it with plain water or juice and get a high!The US Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau has approved the sale of powdered alcohol in...
Feeling tipsy? New apps read blood alcohol levels, hail a taxi
- Tuesday September 17, 2013
- World News | Reuters
Before getting behind the wheel after a night out, a driver can test his blood alcohol level with new apps that not only give a reading but can call a cab.