Diabetes And Water Intake
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5 Ways To Manage Your Diabetes And Boost Immunity In Festive Season
- Tuesday November 17, 2020
- Sheryl Salis
For the ones who have diabetes, it becomes difficult to stay mindful and control food intake and prepare for separate meals while others relish their festive feasts.
Not Only Diabetes But Sugary Drinks Can Increase The Risk Of Heart Disease As Well
- Wednesday March 20, 2019
"Our results provide further support to limit intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and to replace them with other beverages, preferably water, to improve overall health and longevity," said lead author Vasanti Malik.
5 Ways To Manage Your Diabetes And Boost Immunity In Festive Season
- Tuesday November 17, 2020
- Sheryl Salis
For the ones who have diabetes, it becomes difficult to stay mindful and control food intake and prepare for separate meals while others relish their festive feasts.
Not Only Diabetes But Sugary Drinks Can Increase The Risk Of Heart Disease As Well
- Wednesday March 20, 2019
"Our results provide further support to limit intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and to replace them with other beverages, preferably water, to improve overall health and longevity," said lead author Vasanti Malik.