Earth Sized Planet
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2008 OS7: Massive 890-Feet ''Stadium-Sized'' Asteroid To Zoom Past Earth On February 2
- Monday January 29, 2024
- Science | Edited by Ritu Singh
Five gigantic asteroids will approach our planet, with one of them making its closest approach to Earth tomorrow, according to NASA.
NASA Astronomers Predict Near-Earth Asteroid's 2029 Close Encounter
- Friday November 10, 2023
- Reuters
About 5 and a 1/2 years from now, astronomers predict, an asteroid about as wide as the Empire State Building is tall will streak through space within 20,000 miles (32,200 kms) of Earth, the closest any celestial object of that size will have come to our planet in modern history.
Scientists Study Shrinking Mini-Neptunes to Understand Planetary Evolution
- Friday August 5, 2022
- Edited by Gadgets 360 Newsdesk
Scientists at Caltech have discovered four exoplanets — TOI 560b, TOI 1430.01, TOI 1683.01, and TOI 2076b – that appear to be shrinking in size and losing their atmosphere gradually. The rate at which this change is taking place suggests that these celestial bodies, called mini-Neptunes, will eventually lose their atmosphere completely to becom...
Asteroid 2022 NF to Pass Extremely Close to Earth, Be Visible to Amateur Astonomers
- Thursday July 7, 2022
- Edited by Gadgets 360 Newsdesk
An asteroid the size of a small bus will whizz past the Earth at 90,000 kilometres away today. Estimated to measure between 5.5 and 12.5 meters, the asteroid 2022 NF was discovered only on July 4. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory says the asteroid will safely pass the planet, and astronomers will be able to watch Asteroid 2022 NF, when it flies b...
Massive Earth-Facing Sunspot Rapidly Increases in Size, May Result in Auroras
- Friday July 1, 2022
- Edited by Gadgets 360 Newsdesk
In what could result in some magnificent auroras or Northern Lights, a spot on the surface of the Sun has been growing at a rapid pace and has become three times the size of Earth. The sunspot, Active Region 3038 (AR3038), has been found to be facing our planet and can probably emit some solar flares. The sunspot expanded more than double in size i...
Giant Sunspot Doubled in Size in Just 24 Hours, Is Now Directly Pointing at Earth: Researchers
- Friday June 24, 2022
- Edited by Gadgets 360 Newsdesk
A sunspot, called AR3038, grew to almost twice the size of Earth. In the span of 24 hours, its diameter swelled to double its own size. The sunspot is 2.5 times the size of Earth and is facing directly at our planet.
Astronomers Locate “Super Earth” Exoplanet in the Habitable Zone of Its Host Star
- Saturday May 28, 2022
- Edited by Gadgets 360 Newsdesk
In a recent discovery, astronomers have spotted an exoplanet or a super-Earth that is four times the size of our planet. The planet, Ross 508 b, orbits the star at a distance that offers temperatures conducive to the formation of water on the surface of the planet.
Video Shows Jupiter's Size In Comparison To Other Planets, Internet Calls It "Fascinating"
- Thursday April 28, 2022
- Offbeat | Edited by Bhavya Sukheja
An animation posted on Twitter has shocked internet users as it shows the impressive size of Jupiter and just how it rapidly spins. The clip shows all of the planets of the solar system dominated by Jupiter, which is then dwarfed by the Sun.
NASA Shows Giant Debris Cloud Formed by Collision of Celestial Bodies
- Monday March 21, 2022
- Edited by Gadgets 360 Newsdesk
Most rocky planets and satellites, including our Earth and the Moon, are formed or shaped by massive collisions among celestial bodies early in the solar system. When these objects smash together, they could either accumulate more material and increase their size or they can break apart into multiple smaller bodies.
Citizen Scientists Find Exoplanet Three Times the Size of Jupiter: NASA
- Monday January 17, 2022
- Edited by Gadgets 360 Newsdesk
Volunteers interested in astronomy and curious about celestial objects have helped NASA find a super giant planet outside our solar system. This exoplanet is three times the size of Jupiter and located about 379 light-years away from Earth.
First Giant Exoplanet Found Orbiting Extinguished Star
- Thursday September 17, 2020
- Agence France-Presse
Astronomers have discovered a planet the size of Jupiter closely orbiting the smouldering remains of a dead star, the first time that an intact exoplanet has been discovered travelling around a white dwarf, according to research published Wednesday.
Small Asteroid Becomes Closest Ever Seen Passing Earth: NASA
- Wednesday August 19, 2020
- Agence France-Presse
An asteroid the size of an SUV passed 1,830 miles (2,950 kilometers) above Earth, the closest asteroid ever observed passing by our planet, NASA said Tuesday.
Astronomers Find Rare “Super-Earth” Towards the Centre of Our Galaxy
- Thursday May 14, 2020
- Prabhakar Thakur
Astronomers have discovered a rare new “Super-Earth” closer to the centre of our galaxy. The planet is one of those few discovered planets that are similar to Earth in size and orbit.
2008 OS7: Massive 890-Feet ''Stadium-Sized'' Asteroid To Zoom Past Earth On February 2
- Monday January 29, 2024
- Science | Edited by Ritu Singh
Five gigantic asteroids will approach our planet, with one of them making its closest approach to Earth tomorrow, according to NASA.
NASA Astronomers Predict Near-Earth Asteroid's 2029 Close Encounter
- Friday November 10, 2023
- Reuters
About 5 and a 1/2 years from now, astronomers predict, an asteroid about as wide as the Empire State Building is tall will streak through space within 20,000 miles (32,200 kms) of Earth, the closest any celestial object of that size will have come to our planet in modern history.
Scientists Study Shrinking Mini-Neptunes to Understand Planetary Evolution
- Friday August 5, 2022
- Edited by Gadgets 360 Newsdesk
Scientists at Caltech have discovered four exoplanets — TOI 560b, TOI 1430.01, TOI 1683.01, and TOI 2076b – that appear to be shrinking in size and losing their atmosphere gradually. The rate at which this change is taking place suggests that these celestial bodies, called mini-Neptunes, will eventually lose their atmosphere completely to becom...
Asteroid 2022 NF to Pass Extremely Close to Earth, Be Visible to Amateur Astonomers
- Thursday July 7, 2022
- Edited by Gadgets 360 Newsdesk
An asteroid the size of a small bus will whizz past the Earth at 90,000 kilometres away today. Estimated to measure between 5.5 and 12.5 meters, the asteroid 2022 NF was discovered only on July 4. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory says the asteroid will safely pass the planet, and astronomers will be able to watch Asteroid 2022 NF, when it flies b...
Massive Earth-Facing Sunspot Rapidly Increases in Size, May Result in Auroras
- Friday July 1, 2022
- Edited by Gadgets 360 Newsdesk
In what could result in some magnificent auroras or Northern Lights, a spot on the surface of the Sun has been growing at a rapid pace and has become three times the size of Earth. The sunspot, Active Region 3038 (AR3038), has been found to be facing our planet and can probably emit some solar flares. The sunspot expanded more than double in size i...
Giant Sunspot Doubled in Size in Just 24 Hours, Is Now Directly Pointing at Earth: Researchers
- Friday June 24, 2022
- Edited by Gadgets 360 Newsdesk
A sunspot, called AR3038, grew to almost twice the size of Earth. In the span of 24 hours, its diameter swelled to double its own size. The sunspot is 2.5 times the size of Earth and is facing directly at our planet.
Astronomers Locate “Super Earth” Exoplanet in the Habitable Zone of Its Host Star
- Saturday May 28, 2022
- Edited by Gadgets 360 Newsdesk
In a recent discovery, astronomers have spotted an exoplanet or a super-Earth that is four times the size of our planet. The planet, Ross 508 b, orbits the star at a distance that offers temperatures conducive to the formation of water on the surface of the planet.
Video Shows Jupiter's Size In Comparison To Other Planets, Internet Calls It "Fascinating"
- Thursday April 28, 2022
- Offbeat | Edited by Bhavya Sukheja
An animation posted on Twitter has shocked internet users as it shows the impressive size of Jupiter and just how it rapidly spins. The clip shows all of the planets of the solar system dominated by Jupiter, which is then dwarfed by the Sun.
NASA Shows Giant Debris Cloud Formed by Collision of Celestial Bodies
- Monday March 21, 2022
- Edited by Gadgets 360 Newsdesk
Most rocky planets and satellites, including our Earth and the Moon, are formed or shaped by massive collisions among celestial bodies early in the solar system. When these objects smash together, they could either accumulate more material and increase their size or they can break apart into multiple smaller bodies.
Citizen Scientists Find Exoplanet Three Times the Size of Jupiter: NASA
- Monday January 17, 2022
- Edited by Gadgets 360 Newsdesk
Volunteers interested in astronomy and curious about celestial objects have helped NASA find a super giant planet outside our solar system. This exoplanet is three times the size of Jupiter and located about 379 light-years away from Earth.
First Giant Exoplanet Found Orbiting Extinguished Star
- Thursday September 17, 2020
- Agence France-Presse
Astronomers have discovered a planet the size of Jupiter closely orbiting the smouldering remains of a dead star, the first time that an intact exoplanet has been discovered travelling around a white dwarf, according to research published Wednesday.
Small Asteroid Becomes Closest Ever Seen Passing Earth: NASA
- Wednesday August 19, 2020
- Agence France-Presse
An asteroid the size of an SUV passed 1,830 miles (2,950 kilometers) above Earth, the closest asteroid ever observed passing by our planet, NASA said Tuesday.
Astronomers Find Rare “Super-Earth” Towards the Centre of Our Galaxy
- Thursday May 14, 2020
- Prabhakar Thakur
Astronomers have discovered a rare new “Super-Earth” closer to the centre of our galaxy. The planet is one of those few discovered planets that are similar to Earth in size and orbit.