Foods To Lose Weight In Summer
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Weight Loss Tips: Best & Worst Foods To Eat For Breakfast When Trying To Lose Weight
- Friday May 5, 2023
- Health | Manya Singh
People looking to lose weight should make breakfast a priority and consume a healthy and well-balanced meal to support their weight loss journey.
Weight-Loss: How To Make Lemon- Coriander Detox Drink For Weight LossÂ
- Friday June 19, 2020
- Sushmita Sengupta
Weight Loss Detox Drink: There are so many ways in which you can be super creative with your summer coolers, and lose some weight while you are at it!
Healthy Diet Tips: This Cooling Jamun-Mint Drink Can Be A Healthy Inclusion In Your Summer Diet
- Thursday June 18, 2020
- Somdatta Saha
We bring you a cool and refreshing jamun-based drink that can not only beat the scorching heat, but also be an ideal inclusion in your diet during this season.
Weight Loss Tips: Get In Shape This Summer With These Foods And Drinks
- Thursday May 7, 2020
- Health | Written by Varsha Vats
Are you trying to lose weight this summer? If yes, you need to make some healthy changes in your diet and lifestyle. Here are some summer foods and drinks you must add to your diet for weight loss.
Weight Loss: Try This High Protein And Low Carb Kiwi Smoothie To Shed A Few Pounds Â
- Monday May 27, 2019
- NDTV Food Desk
Weight Loss: All the weight loss smoothies must contain fruits that are rich in fibre, good carbs, and antioxidants. Ditch all the store-bought products and include kiwi smoothie in your diet, and the best part is that there is enough room to experiment with this weight loss smoothie.
Summer Salad Recipes: Make Your Diet Summer Ready With These 9 Vibrant Recipes
- Friday January 24, 2020
- NDTV Food Desk
Weight Loss Diet: Summer salads are an easy way of cutting calories and to lose fat quickly. They're rich in essential vitamins and minerals and low in carbs.
Weight Loss: This Monsoon Load Up On Jamuns To Shed Those Extra Kilos
- Monday July 30, 2018
- Shubham Bhatnagar
Jamuns, or black plums, are one of the best summer fruits to indulge in. The fruit is incredibly tasty, especially when eaten with a little bit of chaat masala. Jamun is very low in calories, and hence, makes for a great healthy snack if you are trying to lose weight during summers.
Summer Diet: Include Desi Ghee To Burn Belly Fat And Lose Weight Effectively
- Tuesday June 19, 2018
- Food | Written by Sarika Rana
what makes ghee an amazing ingredient to lose weight and what is it that it has, which helps burn your belly fat, further giving you a flat tummy
Mangoes For Weight Loss: Ways To Add Mango To Your Summer Weight Loss Plan
- Tuesday May 8, 2018
- Food | NDTV Food Desk
Mango has acquired notoriety among people who believe that indulging in the summer fruit is a sure shot way to pile on kilos. Here are some ways to eat mango and still lose weight.
Weight Loss Tips: Best & Worst Foods To Eat For Breakfast When Trying To Lose Weight
- Friday May 5, 2023
- Health | Manya Singh
People looking to lose weight should make breakfast a priority and consume a healthy and well-balanced meal to support their weight loss journey.
Weight-Loss: How To Make Lemon- Coriander Detox Drink For Weight LossÂ
- Friday June 19, 2020
- Sushmita Sengupta
Weight Loss Detox Drink: There are so many ways in which you can be super creative with your summer coolers, and lose some weight while you are at it!
Healthy Diet Tips: This Cooling Jamun-Mint Drink Can Be A Healthy Inclusion In Your Summer Diet
- Thursday June 18, 2020
- Somdatta Saha
We bring you a cool and refreshing jamun-based drink that can not only beat the scorching heat, but also be an ideal inclusion in your diet during this season.
Weight Loss Tips: Get In Shape This Summer With These Foods And Drinks
- Thursday May 7, 2020
- Health | Written by Varsha Vats
Are you trying to lose weight this summer? If yes, you need to make some healthy changes in your diet and lifestyle. Here are some summer foods and drinks you must add to your diet for weight loss.
Weight Loss: Try This High Protein And Low Carb Kiwi Smoothie To Shed A Few Pounds Â
- Monday May 27, 2019
- NDTV Food Desk
Weight Loss: All the weight loss smoothies must contain fruits that are rich in fibre, good carbs, and antioxidants. Ditch all the store-bought products and include kiwi smoothie in your diet, and the best part is that there is enough room to experiment with this weight loss smoothie.
Summer Salad Recipes: Make Your Diet Summer Ready With These 9 Vibrant Recipes
- Friday January 24, 2020
- NDTV Food Desk
Weight Loss Diet: Summer salads are an easy way of cutting calories and to lose fat quickly. They're rich in essential vitamins and minerals and low in carbs.
Weight Loss: This Monsoon Load Up On Jamuns To Shed Those Extra Kilos
- Monday July 30, 2018
- Shubham Bhatnagar
Jamuns, or black plums, are one of the best summer fruits to indulge in. The fruit is incredibly tasty, especially when eaten with a little bit of chaat masala. Jamun is very low in calories, and hence, makes for a great healthy snack if you are trying to lose weight during summers.
Summer Diet: Include Desi Ghee To Burn Belly Fat And Lose Weight Effectively
- Tuesday June 19, 2018
- Food | Written by Sarika Rana
what makes ghee an amazing ingredient to lose weight and what is it that it has, which helps burn your belly fat, further giving you a flat tummy
Mangoes For Weight Loss: Ways To Add Mango To Your Summer Weight Loss Plan
- Tuesday May 8, 2018
- Food | NDTV Food Desk
Mango has acquired notoriety among people who believe that indulging in the summer fruit is a sure shot way to pile on kilos. Here are some ways to eat mango and still lose weight.