Healthy Flours For Weight Loss
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Craving Cake But Watching Your Weight? This Ragi Cake Is Your Savior!
- Wednesday October 23, 2024
- Neha Grover
This ragi cake is a delicious and healthy treat that you can enjoy guilt-free. It is packed with nutrients and can be incorporated into your weight loss journey.
Winter Weight Loss Tip: Swap Your Regular Roti for Makki Ki Roti - Here's How
- Thursday November 30, 2023
- Payal
With reduced physical activity compared to the summer months, it becomes essential to make mindful dietary choices to maintain a healthy weight. Instead of indulging in calorie-laden parathas and puris, consider incorporating Makki ki Roti into your winter diet for effective weight management.
Say Goodbye To Belly Fat: Try These 5 Healthy Alternatives To Refined Flour
- Wednesday August 9, 2023
- Vaishali Kapila
We present a selection of nourishing alternatives that can replace maida. These flours are packed with nutrition, and you need not worry about gaining extra kilos.
Love Dhokla? Try Khaman Dhokla For Weight Loss - A Guilt-Free Delight
- Friday September 6, 2024
- Vaishali Kapila
Weight Loss Dhokla Recipe: Khaman dhokla is a popular Gujarati snack that is made using besan (gram flour). Unlike regular dhokla, the batter of this dhokla does not include fermented rice.
5 Healthy Flours That Will Make Your Meals More Nutritious And Delicious
- Tuesday March 21, 2023
- Sonali Sachdeva
When it comes to eating healthy, it's important to add wholesome foods to your daily diet. One easy way to do this is by including healthy flour in your meals.
Easy Breakfast: How To Make Multigrain Methi Thepla In 20 Mins
- Friday January 6, 2023
- Gauri Rohatgi
This thepla, as the name implies, is made with more than one flour. It's made with a lot of different flours. Ragi flour, gram flour, and other grains are examples.
Move Over Your Regular Chapatis, 6 Healthy Alternatives To Wheat Chapatis For Weight Loss
- Wednesday June 2, 2021
- Vrinda Jain
Chapatis are a staple in Indian cooking, despite that you may cut this out of your meals when you are trying to lose weight. But since chapatis are known to give you energy and keep you full for a longer period, we bring you these healthy alternatives to wheat flour to help you in weight loss!
Watch: Diet Biscuits/Cookies Recipe - A Healthy Snack For Weight Loss Diet
- Tuesday March 30, 2021
- Neha Grover
Healthy biscuits: These diet cookies are made with whole wheat flour with a hint of semolina. This recipe will make the sweet biscuits for you but with much-healthier gur.
These Protein-Rich Energy Bars Can Satisfy Sugar Cravings While Keeping Your Weight Down
- Tuesday March 2, 2021
- Health | Written by Garima Arora
Weight loss: These energy bars are packed with the goodness of protein, fibre and other healthy vitamins and minerals. Nutritionist Pooja Makhija shared the recipe on Instagram recently.
Craving Cake But Watching Your Weight? This Ragi Cake Is Your Savior!
- Wednesday October 23, 2024
- Neha Grover
This ragi cake is a delicious and healthy treat that you can enjoy guilt-free. It is packed with nutrients and can be incorporated into your weight loss journey.
Winter Weight Loss Tip: Swap Your Regular Roti for Makki Ki Roti - Here's How
- Thursday November 30, 2023
- Payal
With reduced physical activity compared to the summer months, it becomes essential to make mindful dietary choices to maintain a healthy weight. Instead of indulging in calorie-laden parathas and puris, consider incorporating Makki ki Roti into your winter diet for effective weight management.
Say Goodbye To Belly Fat: Try These 5 Healthy Alternatives To Refined Flour
- Wednesday August 9, 2023
- Vaishali Kapila
We present a selection of nourishing alternatives that can replace maida. These flours are packed with nutrition, and you need not worry about gaining extra kilos.
Love Dhokla? Try Khaman Dhokla For Weight Loss - A Guilt-Free Delight
- Friday September 6, 2024
- Vaishali Kapila
Weight Loss Dhokla Recipe: Khaman dhokla is a popular Gujarati snack that is made using besan (gram flour). Unlike regular dhokla, the batter of this dhokla does not include fermented rice.
5 Healthy Flours That Will Make Your Meals More Nutritious And Delicious
- Tuesday March 21, 2023
- Sonali Sachdeva
When it comes to eating healthy, it's important to add wholesome foods to your daily diet. One easy way to do this is by including healthy flour in your meals.
Easy Breakfast: How To Make Multigrain Methi Thepla In 20 Mins
- Friday January 6, 2023
- Gauri Rohatgi
This thepla, as the name implies, is made with more than one flour. It's made with a lot of different flours. Ragi flour, gram flour, and other grains are examples.
Move Over Your Regular Chapatis, 6 Healthy Alternatives To Wheat Chapatis For Weight Loss
- Wednesday June 2, 2021
- Vrinda Jain
Chapatis are a staple in Indian cooking, despite that you may cut this out of your meals when you are trying to lose weight. But since chapatis are known to give you energy and keep you full for a longer period, we bring you these healthy alternatives to wheat flour to help you in weight loss!
Watch: Diet Biscuits/Cookies Recipe - A Healthy Snack For Weight Loss Diet
- Tuesday March 30, 2021
- Neha Grover
Healthy biscuits: These diet cookies are made with whole wheat flour with a hint of semolina. This recipe will make the sweet biscuits for you but with much-healthier gur.
These Protein-Rich Energy Bars Can Satisfy Sugar Cravings While Keeping Your Weight Down
- Tuesday March 2, 2021
- Health | Written by Garima Arora
Weight loss: These energy bars are packed with the goodness of protein, fibre and other healthy vitamins and minerals. Nutritionist Pooja Makhija shared the recipe on Instagram recently.