How To Avoid Weight Gain
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Did You Know? These 5 Lunchtime Habits Are Secretly Causing You To Gain Weight
- Friday June 7, 2024
- Vaishali Kapila
Weight Loss Tips: To lose weight, you must be mindful of your choices during lunchtime. Here are some common mistakes you might be making.
Eating Out? Here's How You Can Avoid Weight Gain The Next Day
- Monday September 16, 2024
- Somdatta Saha
Have you been feeling bloated after eating out for many days? If yes, then fret not. We got you some nutritionist-approved ways to avoid weight gain.
Enjoy Mayonnaise Guilt-Free! Try This Equally Tasty, But Healthier Alternative Today
- Wednesday January 24, 2024
- Vaishali Kapila
Do you avoid having mayonnaise, fearing it will lead to weight gain? Not anymore! Here's a recipe for the condiment that is low in calories and super healthy.
Mental Health: Stress Can Fasten Biological Age; Here's How To Stop It
- Thursday April 27, 2023
- Manya Singh
DNA structures are modified when the body is under stress which leads to changes in the way genes function, continue reading to avoid this.
Is Popcorn Healthy For Weight Loss? Here's All You Need To Know
- Tuesday January 31, 2023
- Aditi Ahuja
Some insist that it is not such a healthy snack and is best avoided on a weight-loss diet. Others say that popcorn is actually a light snack that can be eaten by those watching their weight. So, which side of the argument is true?
Eating Packaged Foods Like Meats May Lead To Diabetes- This Study Explains It All
- Friday January 20, 2023
- Neha Grover
Nitrites are one of the major food additives. A recent study published in PLoS Medicine claims that these nitrites affect the ability of pancreas to produce or utilise insulin, leading to diabetes.
Weight Maintenance: Expert Tips To Maintain Weight Loss
- Monday December 12, 2022
- Health | Edited by NDTV Health Desk
Nutritionist Pooja Malhotra advises against starving yourself or adopting unsustainable diet that you cannot maintain in the long run.
Did You Know? These 5 Lunchtime Habits Are Secretly Causing You To Gain Weight
- Friday June 7, 2024
- Vaishali Kapila
Weight Loss Tips: To lose weight, you must be mindful of your choices during lunchtime. Here are some common mistakes you might be making.
Eating Out? Here's How You Can Avoid Weight Gain The Next Day
- Monday September 16, 2024
- Somdatta Saha
Have you been feeling bloated after eating out for many days? If yes, then fret not. We got you some nutritionist-approved ways to avoid weight gain.
Enjoy Mayonnaise Guilt-Free! Try This Equally Tasty, But Healthier Alternative Today
- Wednesday January 24, 2024
- Vaishali Kapila
Do you avoid having mayonnaise, fearing it will lead to weight gain? Not anymore! Here's a recipe for the condiment that is low in calories and super healthy.
Mental Health: Stress Can Fasten Biological Age; Here's How To Stop It
- Thursday April 27, 2023
- Manya Singh
DNA structures are modified when the body is under stress which leads to changes in the way genes function, continue reading to avoid this.
Is Popcorn Healthy For Weight Loss? Here's All You Need To Know
- Tuesday January 31, 2023
- Aditi Ahuja
Some insist that it is not such a healthy snack and is best avoided on a weight-loss diet. Others say that popcorn is actually a light snack that can be eaten by those watching their weight. So, which side of the argument is true?
Eating Packaged Foods Like Meats May Lead To Diabetes- This Study Explains It All
- Friday January 20, 2023
- Neha Grover
Nitrites are one of the major food additives. A recent study published in PLoS Medicine claims that these nitrites affect the ability of pancreas to produce or utilise insulin, leading to diabetes.
Weight Maintenance: Expert Tips To Maintain Weight Loss
- Monday December 12, 2022
- Health | Edited by NDTV Health Desk
Nutritionist Pooja Malhotra advises against starving yourself or adopting unsustainable diet that you cannot maintain in the long run.