How To Consume Less Calories
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4 Sugar Substitutes That Can Help In Keeping Diabetes And Obesity Away
- Thursday July 9, 2020
- Health | Written by Garima Arora
Consuming white refined sugar, sugary foods or aerated drinks is like consuming empty calories with no nutrition. Read here to know some natural and healthier alternatives of sugar.
One Meal A Day Diet Plan For Weight Loss: Know How To Follow This Diet And Much More
- Tuesday April 14, 2020
- Health | Written by Varsha Vats
Weight loss tips: This diet plan involves consumption of just one meal in a day. This meal should involve all necessary nutrients. Here are all the details about this diet plan for weight loss.
Weight Loss Tips: Nuts, The Powerhouse Of Nutrients Can Help You Lose Weight; The Best Nuts For Weight Loss And How To Consume Them
- Monday October 28, 2019
- Health | Edwina Raj
Weight loss requires less consumption of calories. While following a weight loss diet you miss a lot of nutrients. Consumption of nuts is a healthy option to lose weight. Nuts are loaded with nutrients that can keep you full for longer. Here's how nuts can help you lose weight.
Calories In Papaya: How To Use This Low-Calorie Fruit For Weight Loss
- Saturday July 21, 2018
- NDTV Food
Papaya is one of the healthiest fruits out there. The tropical fruit isn't just loaded with amazing health benefits, but is also very popular with people wanting to lose weight. Papayas have very less calories and, hence, are commonly consumed as healthy snack
Count your Calories: How Many Calories Do Bread, Rice and Other Every Day Foods Have?
- Monday March 26, 2018
- Sarika Rana
While we know that processed foods and junk foods pack a lot of calories and should be consumed less, what about every day food items like rice, bread, the biscuits that accompany your evening cup of tea or even a chapati?
4 Sugar Substitutes That Can Help In Keeping Diabetes And Obesity Away
- Thursday July 9, 2020
- Health | Written by Garima Arora
Consuming white refined sugar, sugary foods or aerated drinks is like consuming empty calories with no nutrition. Read here to know some natural and healthier alternatives of sugar.
One Meal A Day Diet Plan For Weight Loss: Know How To Follow This Diet And Much More
- Tuesday April 14, 2020
- Health | Written by Varsha Vats
Weight loss tips: This diet plan involves consumption of just one meal in a day. This meal should involve all necessary nutrients. Here are all the details about this diet plan for weight loss.
Weight Loss Tips: Nuts, The Powerhouse Of Nutrients Can Help You Lose Weight; The Best Nuts For Weight Loss And How To Consume Them
- Monday October 28, 2019
- Health | Edwina Raj
Weight loss requires less consumption of calories. While following a weight loss diet you miss a lot of nutrients. Consumption of nuts is a healthy option to lose weight. Nuts are loaded with nutrients that can keep you full for longer. Here's how nuts can help you lose weight.
Calories In Papaya: How To Use This Low-Calorie Fruit For Weight Loss
- Saturday July 21, 2018
- NDTV Food
Papaya is one of the healthiest fruits out there. The tropical fruit isn't just loaded with amazing health benefits, but is also very popular with people wanting to lose weight. Papayas have very less calories and, hence, are commonly consumed as healthy snack
Count your Calories: How Many Calories Do Bread, Rice and Other Every Day Foods Have?
- Monday March 26, 2018
- Sarika Rana
While we know that processed foods and junk foods pack a lot of calories and should be consumed less, what about every day food items like rice, bread, the biscuits that accompany your evening cup of tea or even a chapati?