How To Reduce Weight In Kids
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'How To Reduce Weight In Kids' - 2 News Result(s)
Watching TV Can Lead To Obesity In Kids: Study; Know Tips To Prevent Childhood Obesity
- Wednesday December 11, 2019
Childhood obesity: The researchers analysed five lifestyle habits: physical activity, sleep time, television time, plant-based food consumption and ultra-processed food consumption. Watching TV was found to be the top factor for obesity risk in kids.
'How To Reduce Weight In Kids' - 2 News Result(s)
Watching TV Can Lead To Obesity In Kids: Study; Know Tips To Prevent Childhood Obesity
- Wednesday December 11, 2019
Childhood obesity: The researchers analysed five lifestyle habits: physical activity, sleep time, television time, plant-based food consumption and ultra-processed food consumption. Watching TV was found to be the top factor for obesity risk in kids.