James Howell
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Man Hires NASA-Linked Experts to Find Hard Drive With 7,500 Bitcoins Accidently Trashed
- Wednesday December 22, 2021
- Radhika Parashar
James Howells minted 7,500 Bitcoin tokens when the cryptocurrency was just beginning to see the light of the day. His former partner accidentally threw away the drive where the mined Bitcoins were saved in 2013. Now Howells is ramping efforts to recover his valuable tokens and has hired NASA-linked experts to find his trashed hard drive.
Man Accidentally Throws Away Hard Drive With Bitcoin Worth $280 Million
- Monday January 18, 2021
- Offbeat | Written by Sanya Jain
A British man who threw away a hard drive with bitcoin worth 230 million pounds in it is once again trying to convince local authorities to let him search for the device in a landfill site.
Suspect Nabbed With Arsenal Ahead Of LA Pride Parade Charged
- Wednesday June 15, 2016
- World News | Agence France-Presse
An Indiana man arrested over the weekend ahead of the Los Angeles gay pride parade had enough explosive material in his car to make a large bomb, authorities said Tuesday.
Man Hires NASA-Linked Experts to Find Hard Drive With 7,500 Bitcoins Accidently Trashed
- Wednesday December 22, 2021
- Radhika Parashar
James Howells minted 7,500 Bitcoin tokens when the cryptocurrency was just beginning to see the light of the day. His former partner accidentally threw away the drive where the mined Bitcoins were saved in 2013. Now Howells is ramping efforts to recover his valuable tokens and has hired NASA-linked experts to find his trashed hard drive.
Man Accidentally Throws Away Hard Drive With Bitcoin Worth $280 Million
- Monday January 18, 2021
- Offbeat | Written by Sanya Jain
A British man who threw away a hard drive with bitcoin worth 230 million pounds in it is once again trying to convince local authorities to let him search for the device in a landfill site.
Suspect Nabbed With Arsenal Ahead Of LA Pride Parade Charged
- Wednesday June 15, 2016
- World News | Agence France-Presse
An Indiana man arrested over the weekend ahead of the Los Angeles gay pride parade had enough explosive material in his car to make a large bomb, authorities said Tuesday.