Keto Or Vegan For Weight Loss
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Beat The Heat With This Dairy-Free Vegan Ice Cream By Shilpa Shetty Kundra
- Friday May 3, 2019
- Health | DoctorNDTV
Shilpa Shetty suggests an ice cream which is made with healthy ingredients such as coconut milk and unsweetened peanut butter. It is rich in protein and can help in satisfying your sugar cravings on keto diet or low-carb diet.
Keto Or Vegan? Expert Advice On Which Diet Is The Better One For Weight Loss
- Thursday August 9, 2018
- Health | DoctorNDTV
Keto or vegan diet for weight loss: Both keto and vegan diet are possible for quick weight loss. But which of the two is more effective and sustainable? Diet coach Sapna Puri gives the answer!
Beat The Heat With This Dairy-Free Vegan Ice Cream By Shilpa Shetty Kundra
- Friday May 3, 2019
- Health | DoctorNDTV
Shilpa Shetty suggests an ice cream which is made with healthy ingredients such as coconut milk and unsweetened peanut butter. It is rich in protein and can help in satisfying your sugar cravings on keto diet or low-carb diet.
Keto Or Vegan? Expert Advice On Which Diet Is The Better One For Weight Loss
- Thursday August 9, 2018
- Health | DoctorNDTV
Keto or vegan diet for weight loss: Both keto and vegan diet are possible for quick weight loss. But which of the two is more effective and sustainable? Diet coach Sapna Puri gives the answer!