Labourer Has Crores In Bank
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Tax Notice To Daily Wager For 221 Crores In Bank He Has "No Knowledge Of"
- Thursday October 19, 2023
- India News | Press Trust of India
Shiv Prasad Nishad, a daily wage labourer, is a troubled man nowadays. Someone appears to have deposited an unthinkable Rs 221 crore in his bank account and the Income Tax department wants to meet him.
Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan: Pension, Contributions And Other Details
- Wednesday March 6, 2019
- Business | NDTV Profit Team
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan Yojna (PM-SYM) on Tuesday. The PM-SYM, a pension scheme for unorganized workers is being implemented for an estimated 42 crore workers in the unorganized sector constituting around 85 per cent of the total labour force of the country, Ministry Of Labour & Employment said in a...
Tax Notice To Daily Wager For 221 Crores In Bank He Has "No Knowledge Of"
- Thursday October 19, 2023
- India News | Press Trust of India
Shiv Prasad Nishad, a daily wage labourer, is a troubled man nowadays. Someone appears to have deposited an unthinkable Rs 221 crore in his bank account and the Income Tax department wants to meet him.
Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan: Pension, Contributions And Other Details
- Wednesday March 6, 2019
- Business | NDTV Profit Team
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan Yojna (PM-SYM) on Tuesday. The PM-SYM, a pension scheme for unorganized workers is being implemented for an estimated 42 crore workers in the unorganized sector constituting around 85 per cent of the total labour force of the country, Ministry Of Labour & Employment said in a...