Laughing May Help Lose Weight
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'Laughing May Help Lose Weight' - 1 News Result(s)
Laughing May Help You Burn Belly Fat And 5 Other Benefits; Try These Foods That May Help Too!
- Monday May 7, 2018
- Food | NDTV Food Desk
According to the study published in the journal Obesity, a big belly laugh uses about the same energy as walking more than half a mile
'Laughing May Help Lose Weight' - 1 News Result(s)
Laughing May Help You Burn Belly Fat And 5 Other Benefits; Try These Foods That May Help Too!
- Monday May 7, 2018
- Food | NDTV Food Desk
According to the study published in the journal Obesity, a big belly laugh uses about the same energy as walking more than half a mile