Motivation To Lose Weight
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Here's How Consistency Helps In Weight Loss: How To Stay Motivated
- Monday March 10, 2025
- Health | Manya Singh
Weight Loss Tips: Consistency reinforces discipline, builds momentum, and prevents setbacks from becoming permanent roadblocks. Read on as we share tips to stay motivated and consistent.
Wearable Activity Trackers Motivate People to Exercise More, Lose Weight, Study Says
- Thursday July 21, 2022
Wearable activity trackers can help encourage people to exercise more and lose weight over time, according to a new study. Researchers from the University of South Australia reviewed almost 400 studies involving 1,64,000 people across the world using activity trackers to monitor physical activity. The study revealed that people lost an average of 1...
Exclusive: Comedian Bharti Singh Reveals How She Lost 16Kgs In 10 Months
- Wednesday September 8, 2021
- Aditi Ahuja
Comedian Bharti Singh lost 16kgs in a span of 10 months. In an exclusive conversation with NDTV Food, she revealed all about her weight loss journey.
Weight Loss: Fitness Trackers And Step Counters Can Help Overweight People Shed Kilos: Study
- Thursday March 18, 2021
Weight loss: Fitness trackers and step counters seem to motivate users to meet their physical activity goals, new study found.
Weight Loss: Wondering Where To Start? Give This Quick Morning Exercise Routine A Try
- Wednesday March 3, 2021
- Health | Written by Garima Arora
Weight loss: If you are struggling to find out ways as to where to begin with, do give this morning routine shared by fitness trainer Gunjan, a try. It's simple and doesn't take anything more than 15 minutes.
Weight Loss: 5 Ways Counting Your Steps Can Make Your Daily Walks More Fun
- Friday December 18, 2020
- Health | Shivjeet Ghatge
Weight loss: Keeping a track of your steps can be motivating for you. It can make losing weight more fun and can also help you set better goals.
#MondayMotivation: Here Are A Few Home Workouts That You Can Try Today
- Monday November 30, 2020
- Health | Written by Garima Arora
Seeking some #MondayMotivation? Here are a few workouts that you can do at home without any equipment. Watch videos to see how you can do them!
Weight Loss Diet: 7 Signs That Tell You Are Making Progress Other Than The Weighing Scale
- Friday August 14, 2020
- Health | Written by Garima Arora
Weight loss diet: When you get fitter, lethargy, fatigue, laziness and sleepiness throughout the day are much lesser. A fit body can make a person feel more motivated towards achieving more and being productive, with definitely higher levels of energy.
#MondayMotivation: Do Surya Namaskar Daily For Hormonal Balance And Healthy Levels Of Vitamin D
- Monday September 2, 2019
- Health | Garima Arora
#MondayMotivation: Surya Namaskar is one of the most effective yoga poses which you must include in your daily routine. It can help in resorting hormonal balance and can also help you with weight loss.
#MondayMotivation: Burn Belly Fat Quickly With These 8 Exercises You Can Do At Home; Watch Video
- Monday August 26, 2019
- Health | Garima Arora
Need #MondayMotivation? Skip the gym and try this 8-exercise routine shared by Kayla Itsines on Instagram. If done regularly, it can help in melting belly fat quickly and effectively. Watch video to know more.
Weight Loss On Keto Diet: How To Know You Are Making Progress?
- Tuesday July 23, 2019
- Health | Garima Arora
Keto diet for weight loss: You might feel that you have reached weight loss plateau or simply stopped making progress on a ketogenic diet, after a certain point of time. Here are 6 indicators that can tell you are still on track.
#MondayMotivation: Trying To Lose Weight? Do These 3 Things First
- Monday June 3, 2019
- Health | DoctorNDTV
Weight loss: Eat more protein, know your body type and eat the right kind of calories if you want to lose weight. More details down under.
Weight Loss: 5 Post-Workout Tips That Will Help You Lose Weight Quickly
- Saturday June 29, 2019
- Health | DoctorNDTV
If you want achieve quick weight loss and aid faster recovery, make sure you follow these 5 post-workout tips by celebrity fitness trainer Kayla Itsines.
3 Things That'll Stop You From Skipping Your Workout
- Friday June 22, 2018
- Written by Simar Rana
Much to everyone's dismay (including ours), a healthy body cannot be achieved without eating food that is nutritious and working out regularly
Here's How Consistency Helps In Weight Loss: How To Stay Motivated
- Monday March 10, 2025
- Health | Manya Singh
Weight Loss Tips: Consistency reinforces discipline, builds momentum, and prevents setbacks from becoming permanent roadblocks. Read on as we share tips to stay motivated and consistent.
Wearable Activity Trackers Motivate People to Exercise More, Lose Weight, Study Says
- Thursday July 21, 2022
Wearable activity trackers can help encourage people to exercise more and lose weight over time, according to a new study. Researchers from the University of South Australia reviewed almost 400 studies involving 1,64,000 people across the world using activity trackers to monitor physical activity. The study revealed that people lost an average of 1...
Exclusive: Comedian Bharti Singh Reveals How She Lost 16Kgs In 10 Months
- Wednesday September 8, 2021
- Aditi Ahuja
Comedian Bharti Singh lost 16kgs in a span of 10 months. In an exclusive conversation with NDTV Food, she revealed all about her weight loss journey.
Weight Loss: Fitness Trackers And Step Counters Can Help Overweight People Shed Kilos: Study
- Thursday March 18, 2021
Weight loss: Fitness trackers and step counters seem to motivate users to meet their physical activity goals, new study found.
Weight Loss: Wondering Where To Start? Give This Quick Morning Exercise Routine A Try
- Wednesday March 3, 2021
- Health | Written by Garima Arora
Weight loss: If you are struggling to find out ways as to where to begin with, do give this morning routine shared by fitness trainer Gunjan, a try. It's simple and doesn't take anything more than 15 minutes.
Weight Loss: 5 Ways Counting Your Steps Can Make Your Daily Walks More Fun
- Friday December 18, 2020
- Health | Shivjeet Ghatge
Weight loss: Keeping a track of your steps can be motivating for you. It can make losing weight more fun and can also help you set better goals.
#MondayMotivation: Here Are A Few Home Workouts That You Can Try Today
- Monday November 30, 2020
- Health | Written by Garima Arora
Seeking some #MondayMotivation? Here are a few workouts that you can do at home without any equipment. Watch videos to see how you can do them!
Weight Loss Diet: 7 Signs That Tell You Are Making Progress Other Than The Weighing Scale
- Friday August 14, 2020
- Health | Written by Garima Arora
Weight loss diet: When you get fitter, lethargy, fatigue, laziness and sleepiness throughout the day are much lesser. A fit body can make a person feel more motivated towards achieving more and being productive, with definitely higher levels of energy.
#MondayMotivation: Do Surya Namaskar Daily For Hormonal Balance And Healthy Levels Of Vitamin D
- Monday September 2, 2019
- Health | Garima Arora
#MondayMotivation: Surya Namaskar is one of the most effective yoga poses which you must include in your daily routine. It can help in resorting hormonal balance and can also help you with weight loss.
#MondayMotivation: Burn Belly Fat Quickly With These 8 Exercises You Can Do At Home; Watch Video
- Monday August 26, 2019
- Health | Garima Arora
Need #MondayMotivation? Skip the gym and try this 8-exercise routine shared by Kayla Itsines on Instagram. If done regularly, it can help in melting belly fat quickly and effectively. Watch video to know more.
Weight Loss On Keto Diet: How To Know You Are Making Progress?
- Tuesday July 23, 2019
- Health | Garima Arora
Keto diet for weight loss: You might feel that you have reached weight loss plateau or simply stopped making progress on a ketogenic diet, after a certain point of time. Here are 6 indicators that can tell you are still on track.
#MondayMotivation: Trying To Lose Weight? Do These 3 Things First
- Monday June 3, 2019
- Health | DoctorNDTV
Weight loss: Eat more protein, know your body type and eat the right kind of calories if you want to lose weight. More details down under.
Weight Loss: 5 Post-Workout Tips That Will Help You Lose Weight Quickly
- Saturday June 29, 2019
- Health | DoctorNDTV
If you want achieve quick weight loss and aid faster recovery, make sure you follow these 5 post-workout tips by celebrity fitness trainer Kayla Itsines.
3 Things That'll Stop You From Skipping Your Workout
- Friday June 22, 2018
- Written by Simar Rana
Much to everyone's dismay (including ours), a healthy body cannot be achieved without eating food that is nutritious and working out regularly