Navy Seal Chief
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Sacked Navy Secretary Made Secret Deal With Trump: Pentagon Chief
- Tuesday November 26, 2019
- World News | Agence France-Presse
The US defense secretary Monday defended the decision to sack his navy secretary, saying he went behind his back to make a deal with the White House over a convicted Navy SEAL's future.
Trump Fires US Navy Chief Richard Spencer Over SEAL Commando Controversy
- Monday November 25, 2019
- World News | Agence France-Presse
The chief of the US Navy on Sunday criticized Donald Trump after being sacked in a dispute over an elite SEAL commando whose demotion for misconduct was reversed by the president.
US Navy SEAL Spared Jail But Demoted After War Crimes Trial
- Thursday July 4, 2019
- World News | Reuters
A US Navy SEAL platoon commander acquitted of murdering a captured Islamic State fighter but convicted of unlawfully posing for photos with his dead body was sentenced on Wednesday to a demotion in rank and pay.
US Navy SEAL Acquitted Of Most Serious Charges In War Crimes Trial
- Wednesday July 3, 2019
- World News | Reuters
A US Navy SEAL platoon leader charged with committing war crimes in Iraq was acquitted by a military jury on Tuesday of murder and all other counts except for unlawfully posing with the corpse of a captive ISIS fighter.
US Lawmaker Says He Took Photo With Enemy Corpse During Military Service
- Tuesday May 28, 2019
- World News | Eli Rosenberg, The Washington Post
Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., told a town hall audience Saturday that he took a picture of himself with a dead combatant during his military service, according to local media outlets - a potential violation of the United States' rules of warfare.
Terror Camp Bombed By Indian Jets Only 60 Km From Where Bin Laden Hid
- Wednesday February 27, 2019
- India News | Reported by Vishnu Som, Edited by Debanish Achom
The biggest training camp of the terror group Jaish-e-Mohammed in Balakot that Indian fighter jets bombed in a pre-dawn attack today was just 60 km from Abbottabad, where Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden was found hiding in a discreet bungalow before he was shot dead by US Navy Seal commandos in 2011. The Pakistani Military Academy or PMA Kakul, whic...
"Fools Never Told Us He Was There": Trump Hits Out At Pak Over Bin Laden
- Tuesday November 20, 2018
- World News | Agence France-Presse
President Donald Trump repeated Monday that Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, killed by US Navy SEALs in May 2011, should have been captured much earlier, casting blame on his predecessors and Pakistan.
Chief Of Raid That Killed Bin Laden Asks Trump Revoke Security Clearance
- Friday August 17, 2018
- World News | Agence France-Presse
William McRaven, commander of the US Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden, condemned President Donald Trump on Thursday for revoking the security clearance of former CIA chief John Brennan and asked that his be withdrawn as well.
Osama Bin Laden Shifted To Afghanistan To Supervise Plot To Assassinate Benazir Bhutto: Media Report
- Thursday December 28, 2017
- World News | Press Trust of India
Al-Qaeda's slain chief Osama bin Laden had shifted to Afghanistan to supervise a plot to assassinate Pakistan's former premier Benazir Bhutto and then military dictator Pervez Musharraf, a media report said today.
Osama Bin Laden Documents: Worry Over ISIS Tactics, 'Aging' Al-Qaeda
- Friday January 20, 2017
- World News | Agence France-Presse
Months before his death, Osama bin Laden fretted about the ISIS group's impatient, violent tactics and the fading of Al-Qaeda, documents released by the CIA Thursday showed. The latest release from the trove of documents found when Navy Seals stormed the Al-Qaeda chief's secret Pakistan compound and killed him in 2011 show bin Laden trying to keep ...
Asif Ali Zardari, Army Chief Knew Osama bin Laden Was in Abbottabad: Former Pakistan Minister
- Wednesday October 14, 2015
- World News | Press Trust of India
Pakistan's top civilian and military leadership knew about Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden's presence in the country much before the US Navy SEALs killed him in a raid in 2011, the then defence minister of Pakistan has claimed.
Bin Laden Planned 9/11 Anniversary Media Push
- Wednesday May 20, 2015
- World News | Agence France-Presse
When he was killed by US Navy commandos, Al-Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden was plotting a coordinated media push to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
Obama Administration's Account of Osama Killing Were Lies, Fiction, Alleges Journalist
- Monday May 11, 2015
- World News | Press Trust of India
A former Pakistani intelligence officer disclosed the hideout of Osama bin Laden to CIA in exchange of $25 million bounty on the head of the Al Qaeda chief, who was living as prisoner under ISI protection in the garrison town of Abbottabad, according to a report.
Osama Bin Laden Wanted to Rebrand Al Qaeda, Says White House
- Thursday February 19, 2015
- World News | Press Trust of India
Frustrated over Al-Qaeda's recognition as a global terror outfit, its Chief Osama bin Laden wanted to change the name of the group to identify it more closely with Islam before he was killed by US Special Forces in Pakistan, the White House has said.
Osama Bin Laden 'Died Afraid': Former US Navy SEAL
- Sunday November 9, 2014
- World News | Press Trust of India
Osma bin Laden "died afraid", says a former US Navy SEAL who claims he fired the fatal shot that killed the al Qaeda chief in Pakistan in 2011.
Sacked Navy Secretary Made Secret Deal With Trump: Pentagon Chief
- Tuesday November 26, 2019
- World News | Agence France-Presse
The US defense secretary Monday defended the decision to sack his navy secretary, saying he went behind his back to make a deal with the White House over a convicted Navy SEAL's future.
Trump Fires US Navy Chief Richard Spencer Over SEAL Commando Controversy
- Monday November 25, 2019
- World News | Agence France-Presse
The chief of the US Navy on Sunday criticized Donald Trump after being sacked in a dispute over an elite SEAL commando whose demotion for misconduct was reversed by the president.
US Navy SEAL Spared Jail But Demoted After War Crimes Trial
- Thursday July 4, 2019
- World News | Reuters
A US Navy SEAL platoon commander acquitted of murdering a captured Islamic State fighter but convicted of unlawfully posing for photos with his dead body was sentenced on Wednesday to a demotion in rank and pay.
US Navy SEAL Acquitted Of Most Serious Charges In War Crimes Trial
- Wednesday July 3, 2019
- World News | Reuters
A US Navy SEAL platoon leader charged with committing war crimes in Iraq was acquitted by a military jury on Tuesday of murder and all other counts except for unlawfully posing with the corpse of a captive ISIS fighter.
US Lawmaker Says He Took Photo With Enemy Corpse During Military Service
- Tuesday May 28, 2019
- World News | Eli Rosenberg, The Washington Post
Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., told a town hall audience Saturday that he took a picture of himself with a dead combatant during his military service, according to local media outlets - a potential violation of the United States' rules of warfare.
Terror Camp Bombed By Indian Jets Only 60 Km From Where Bin Laden Hid
- Wednesday February 27, 2019
- India News | Reported by Vishnu Som, Edited by Debanish Achom
The biggest training camp of the terror group Jaish-e-Mohammed in Balakot that Indian fighter jets bombed in a pre-dawn attack today was just 60 km from Abbottabad, where Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden was found hiding in a discreet bungalow before he was shot dead by US Navy Seal commandos in 2011. The Pakistani Military Academy or PMA Kakul, whic...
"Fools Never Told Us He Was There": Trump Hits Out At Pak Over Bin Laden
- Tuesday November 20, 2018
- World News | Agence France-Presse
President Donald Trump repeated Monday that Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, killed by US Navy SEALs in May 2011, should have been captured much earlier, casting blame on his predecessors and Pakistan.
Chief Of Raid That Killed Bin Laden Asks Trump Revoke Security Clearance
- Friday August 17, 2018
- World News | Agence France-Presse
William McRaven, commander of the US Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden, condemned President Donald Trump on Thursday for revoking the security clearance of former CIA chief John Brennan and asked that his be withdrawn as well.
Osama Bin Laden Shifted To Afghanistan To Supervise Plot To Assassinate Benazir Bhutto: Media Report
- Thursday December 28, 2017
- World News | Press Trust of India
Al-Qaeda's slain chief Osama bin Laden had shifted to Afghanistan to supervise a plot to assassinate Pakistan's former premier Benazir Bhutto and then military dictator Pervez Musharraf, a media report said today.
Osama Bin Laden Documents: Worry Over ISIS Tactics, 'Aging' Al-Qaeda
- Friday January 20, 2017
- World News | Agence France-Presse
Months before his death, Osama bin Laden fretted about the ISIS group's impatient, violent tactics and the fading of Al-Qaeda, documents released by the CIA Thursday showed. The latest release from the trove of documents found when Navy Seals stormed the Al-Qaeda chief's secret Pakistan compound and killed him in 2011 show bin Laden trying to keep ...
Asif Ali Zardari, Army Chief Knew Osama bin Laden Was in Abbottabad: Former Pakistan Minister
- Wednesday October 14, 2015
- World News | Press Trust of India
Pakistan's top civilian and military leadership knew about Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden's presence in the country much before the US Navy SEALs killed him in a raid in 2011, the then defence minister of Pakistan has claimed.
Bin Laden Planned 9/11 Anniversary Media Push
- Wednesday May 20, 2015
- World News | Agence France-Presse
When he was killed by US Navy commandos, Al-Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden was plotting a coordinated media push to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
Obama Administration's Account of Osama Killing Were Lies, Fiction, Alleges Journalist
- Monday May 11, 2015
- World News | Press Trust of India
A former Pakistani intelligence officer disclosed the hideout of Osama bin Laden to CIA in exchange of $25 million bounty on the head of the Al Qaeda chief, who was living as prisoner under ISI protection in the garrison town of Abbottabad, according to a report.
Osama Bin Laden Wanted to Rebrand Al Qaeda, Says White House
- Thursday February 19, 2015
- World News | Press Trust of India
Frustrated over Al-Qaeda's recognition as a global terror outfit, its Chief Osama bin Laden wanted to change the name of the group to identify it more closely with Islam before he was killed by US Special Forces in Pakistan, the White House has said.
Osama Bin Laden 'Died Afraid': Former US Navy SEAL
- Sunday November 9, 2014
- World News | Press Trust of India
Osma bin Laden "died afraid", says a former US Navy SEAL who claims he fired the fatal shot that killed the al Qaeda chief in Pakistan in 2011.