Pakistan On Wikileaks
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US Security Agency Hacked Pakistani Mobile Networks: WikiLeaks
- Wednesday April 12, 2017
- World News | Press Trust of India
The US National Security Agency (NSA) operators have hacked into Pakistani mobile networks and have been spying on hundreds of IP addresses in the country, WikiLeaks has claimed. "Hundreds of NSA cyber weapons variants publicly released including code showing hacking of Pakistan mobile system," WikiLeaks tweeted.
WikiLeaks: 'Reached understanding with Musharraf on Kashmir,' PM told US delegation
- Monday September 5, 2011
- Wikileak | NDTV Correspondent
A US diplomatic cable leaked by whistleblower website WikiLeaks quotes Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as saying that in 2006, he had reached a "non-territorial solution" on Kashmir with then Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf.
WikiLeaks: What Pak leaders told US about Osama
- Wednesday May 4, 2011
- World News | Nitin Gokhale
In collaboration with WikiLeaks, NDTV is reporting on the Pakistan cables. As the debate rages over how much Pakistan knew about Osama Bin Laden's whereabouts, a series of cables show how its leaders repeatedly told the US that while they wanted to help find the terrorist, they didn't know where he was. (Watch)Across the world, questions are being ...
Wiki cables: Pak security always tipped off Osama
- Tuesday May 3, 2011
- World News | NDTV Correspondent
As the first euphoria about the death of the world's most-dreaded terrorist ebbs, the focus is fast shifting to Pakistan, the country where Osama bin Laden was found and killed. There are contrary claims on whether Pakistan was informed by the US about the operation and questions are also being raised on how much people in Pakistan knew of Osama's ...
PM isolated on Pakistan, reveals WikiLeaks
- Tuesday March 15, 2011
- India News | NDTV Correspondent
A set of India-related diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks show that the US felt Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was isolated within his own government for pushing talks with Pakistan in 2009. US Ambassador Tim Roemer noted in a cable sent (on August 11, 2009) after a meeting with the then National Security Advisor MK Narayanan that, "On Pakistan...
WikiLeaks: India cables on 26/11, tensions with Pakistan and more
- Wednesday December 1, 2010
- Wikileak | NDTV Correspondent
Among a quarter million secret US documents released by the whistle-blower website WikiLeaks, a total of 3,038 classified cables are from the American embassy in New Delhi. According to WikiLeaks there are as many as 5,087 records amongst the leaked cables that refer to India.The cables, which date from 1966 up until the end of February this year, ...
WikiLeaks: Scenesetter for Gen Kayani's visit to Washington
- Thursday December 2, 2010
- Wikileak | WikiLeaks
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 06 ISLAMABAD 000365 SIPDIS EO 12958 DECL: 08/04/2018 TAGS PREL, PTER, PGOV, MOPS, MARR, EAID, PK SUBJECT: SCENESETTER FOR GENERAL KAYANI'S VISIT TO WASHINGTONClassified By: Anne W. Patterson, for reasons 1.4 (b)(d)1. (S) Summary. Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Kayani's February 20-27 visit to Washington comes on...
WikiLeaks: Reviewing our Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy
- Thursday December 2, 2010
- World News | WikiLeaks
S E C R E T ISLAMABAD 002295 NOFORN EO 12958 DECL: 09/23/2034 TAGS PGOV, PREL, PTER, PINR, MOPS, EAID, PK SUBJECT: REVIEWING OUR AFGHANISTAN - PAKISTAN STRATEGY Classified By: Ambassador Anne W. Patterson, Reasons 1.4 b and d1. (S/NF) Summary: In response to queries posed by the National Security Council, Embassy Islamabad believes that it is not/n...
WikiLeaks: Cables on Pakistani terror and more
- Thursday December 2, 2010
- Wikileak | NDTV Correspondent
Among a quarter million secret US documents released by the whistle-blower website WikiLeaks, 2,220 cables originate from the US embassy in Islamabad. While there are some surprises in these Islamabad cables, other bits confirm India's long standing fears about Pakistan - especially it's inability to act against terror groups. The then US amba...
Pakistan reacts to WikiLeaks
- Wednesday December 1, 2010
- Wikileak | Press Trust of India
The damaging revelations made in secret US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks figured in a meeting on Wednesday between the American envoy and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, who said Pakistan would ensure its interests are not "compromised by such mischief".Commenting on the leak of the cables by the whistle-blowing website, Gilani said hi...
WikiLeaks: Zardari comments on India
- Thursday December 2, 2010
- Wikileak | WikiLeaks
Monday, 05 January 2009, 13:11S E C R E T ISLAMABAD 000024 EO 12958 DECL: 01/05/2034 TAGS PREL, PTER, PGOV, PK SUBJECT: ZARDARI COMMENTS ON INDIA/NAWAZ SHARIF Classified By: Anne W. Patterson, reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).1. (S) Summary: President Zardari told the Ambassador January 2 he would have no choice but to respond militarily to an Indian attack...
WikiLeaks: Pak reactions to 26/11
- Thursday December 2, 2010
- Wikileak | WikiLeaks
S E C R E T ISLAMABAD 003716 EO 12958 DECL: 11/28/2018 TAGS PREL, PGOV, PTER, IN, UK, PK SUBJECT: PAKISTAN REACTIONS TO TERROR IN MUMBAI Classified By: Gerald Feierstein, CDA, for reasons 1.4 (b,d)1. (S) Summary. President Zardari, PM Gilani and FM Qureshi have made all the right public statements condemning the November 27-28 militant attacks in M...
Osama held suicide bomber recruitment in Pakistan: WikiLeaks
- Tuesday July 27, 2010
- World News | Press Trust of India
Contradicting CIA's assertion that it has no intelligence on the world's most wanted terrorist Osama bin Laden since 2003, leaked secret US military documents say the Al-Qaida chief personally attended a recruitment drive for suicide bombers in Pakistan in 2006.
Was this 22-year-old behind war on WikiLeaks?
- Tuesday July 27, 2010
- World News | Press Trust of India
A 22-year-old US Army intelligence analyst, facing a court-martial, appears to be behind the biggest leak in US military history of classified documents on the war in Afghanistan that also exposed Pakistan's double- game in the war-torn country, including its Taliban links. Bradley Manning, who allegedly boasted online that he was...
Pak rejects US intelligence reports of ISI links to Taliban
- Monday July 26, 2010
- World News | Press Trust of India
Pakistan on Monday dismissed as "baseless" and "skewed" the leaked US intelligence reports that accused its Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency of supporting Taliban fighters.
US Security Agency Hacked Pakistani Mobile Networks: WikiLeaks
- Wednesday April 12, 2017
- World News | Press Trust of India
The US National Security Agency (NSA) operators have hacked into Pakistani mobile networks and have been spying on hundreds of IP addresses in the country, WikiLeaks has claimed. "Hundreds of NSA cyber weapons variants publicly released including code showing hacking of Pakistan mobile system," WikiLeaks tweeted.
WikiLeaks: 'Reached understanding with Musharraf on Kashmir,' PM told US delegation
- Monday September 5, 2011
- Wikileak | NDTV Correspondent
A US diplomatic cable leaked by whistleblower website WikiLeaks quotes Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as saying that in 2006, he had reached a "non-territorial solution" on Kashmir with then Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf.
WikiLeaks: What Pak leaders told US about Osama
- Wednesday May 4, 2011
- World News | Nitin Gokhale
In collaboration with WikiLeaks, NDTV is reporting on the Pakistan cables. As the debate rages over how much Pakistan knew about Osama Bin Laden's whereabouts, a series of cables show how its leaders repeatedly told the US that while they wanted to help find the terrorist, they didn't know where he was. (Watch)Across the world, questions are being ...
Wiki cables: Pak security always tipped off Osama
- Tuesday May 3, 2011
- World News | NDTV Correspondent
As the first euphoria about the death of the world's most-dreaded terrorist ebbs, the focus is fast shifting to Pakistan, the country where Osama bin Laden was found and killed. There are contrary claims on whether Pakistan was informed by the US about the operation and questions are also being raised on how much people in Pakistan knew of Osama's ...
PM isolated on Pakistan, reveals WikiLeaks
- Tuesday March 15, 2011
- India News | NDTV Correspondent
A set of India-related diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks show that the US felt Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was isolated within his own government for pushing talks with Pakistan in 2009. US Ambassador Tim Roemer noted in a cable sent (on August 11, 2009) after a meeting with the then National Security Advisor MK Narayanan that, "On Pakistan...
WikiLeaks: India cables on 26/11, tensions with Pakistan and more
- Wednesday December 1, 2010
- Wikileak | NDTV Correspondent
Among a quarter million secret US documents released by the whistle-blower website WikiLeaks, a total of 3,038 classified cables are from the American embassy in New Delhi. According to WikiLeaks there are as many as 5,087 records amongst the leaked cables that refer to India.The cables, which date from 1966 up until the end of February this year, ...
WikiLeaks: Scenesetter for Gen Kayani's visit to Washington
- Thursday December 2, 2010
- Wikileak | WikiLeaks
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 06 ISLAMABAD 000365 SIPDIS EO 12958 DECL: 08/04/2018 TAGS PREL, PTER, PGOV, MOPS, MARR, EAID, PK SUBJECT: SCENESETTER FOR GENERAL KAYANI'S VISIT TO WASHINGTONClassified By: Anne W. Patterson, for reasons 1.4 (b)(d)1. (S) Summary. Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Kayani's February 20-27 visit to Washington comes on...
WikiLeaks: Reviewing our Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy
- Thursday December 2, 2010
- World News | WikiLeaks
S E C R E T ISLAMABAD 002295 NOFORN EO 12958 DECL: 09/23/2034 TAGS PGOV, PREL, PTER, PINR, MOPS, EAID, PK SUBJECT: REVIEWING OUR AFGHANISTAN - PAKISTAN STRATEGY Classified By: Ambassador Anne W. Patterson, Reasons 1.4 b and d1. (S/NF) Summary: In response to queries posed by the National Security Council, Embassy Islamabad believes that it is not/n...
WikiLeaks: Cables on Pakistani terror and more
- Thursday December 2, 2010
- Wikileak | NDTV Correspondent
Among a quarter million secret US documents released by the whistle-blower website WikiLeaks, 2,220 cables originate from the US embassy in Islamabad. While there are some surprises in these Islamabad cables, other bits confirm India's long standing fears about Pakistan - especially it's inability to act against terror groups. The then US amba...
Pakistan reacts to WikiLeaks
- Wednesday December 1, 2010
- Wikileak | Press Trust of India
The damaging revelations made in secret US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks figured in a meeting on Wednesday between the American envoy and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, who said Pakistan would ensure its interests are not "compromised by such mischief".Commenting on the leak of the cables by the whistle-blowing website, Gilani said hi...
WikiLeaks: Zardari comments on India
- Thursday December 2, 2010
- Wikileak | WikiLeaks
Monday, 05 January 2009, 13:11S E C R E T ISLAMABAD 000024 EO 12958 DECL: 01/05/2034 TAGS PREL, PTER, PGOV, PK SUBJECT: ZARDARI COMMENTS ON INDIA/NAWAZ SHARIF Classified By: Anne W. Patterson, reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).1. (S) Summary: President Zardari told the Ambassador January 2 he would have no choice but to respond militarily to an Indian attack...
WikiLeaks: Pak reactions to 26/11
- Thursday December 2, 2010
- Wikileak | WikiLeaks
S E C R E T ISLAMABAD 003716 EO 12958 DECL: 11/28/2018 TAGS PREL, PGOV, PTER, IN, UK, PK SUBJECT: PAKISTAN REACTIONS TO TERROR IN MUMBAI Classified By: Gerald Feierstein, CDA, for reasons 1.4 (b,d)1. (S) Summary. President Zardari, PM Gilani and FM Qureshi have made all the right public statements condemning the November 27-28 militant attacks in M...
Osama held suicide bomber recruitment in Pakistan: WikiLeaks
- Tuesday July 27, 2010
- World News | Press Trust of India
Contradicting CIA's assertion that it has no intelligence on the world's most wanted terrorist Osama bin Laden since 2003, leaked secret US military documents say the Al-Qaida chief personally attended a recruitment drive for suicide bombers in Pakistan in 2006.
Was this 22-year-old behind war on WikiLeaks?
- Tuesday July 27, 2010
- World News | Press Trust of India
A 22-year-old US Army intelligence analyst, facing a court-martial, appears to be behind the biggest leak in US military history of classified documents on the war in Afghanistan that also exposed Pakistan's double- game in the war-torn country, including its Taliban links. Bradley Manning, who allegedly boasted online that he was...
Pak rejects US intelligence reports of ISI links to Taliban
- Monday July 26, 2010
- World News | Press Trust of India
Pakistan on Monday dismissed as "baseless" and "skewed" the leaked US intelligence reports that accused its Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency of supporting Taliban fighters.