Rachel Feltman
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Ever Wonder What's on the Menu for Astronauts?
- Friday November 9, 2018
- Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
Neil Armstrong may have taken that first small step for man onto the moon, but it was John Glenn who took the first slurp of applesauce.
Guide To Spooky Species: Some Scary-Looking Ones Are All Fang And No Bite
- Monday October 23, 2017
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
The animal kingdom is chock-full of critters that look like something out of a nightmare. Although some of them have earned their bad reputations, others are far less frightening than they seem.
Mars Lander Has Likely Crashed, Scientists Fear
- Friday October 21, 2016
- World News | Sarah Kaplan, Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
A European and Russian robot that was supposed to touch down on Mars on Wednesday probably crashed during landing.
Juno Spacecraft Slips Into Safe Mode, Putting Science On Hold
- Thursday October 20, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
NASA's orbital mission isn't going quite as planned.
The Moon Is A More Violent Place Than We Thought
- Thursday October 13, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
Lunar colonies may have to look out for dangerous sprays of moon dust and meteor debris.
Dear Science: Why Do I Always Get Sick When The Seasons Change?
- Tuesday October 11, 2016
- Health | Rachel Feltman, Sarah Kaplan, The Washington Post
Q: I'm so glad that it's finally fall - I love this weather. But as usual, I've got a cold. It seems like everyone gets sick as the seasons change. Is this true? Does "catching a chill" really make you sick, or is it something else?
It's Been 53 Years Since A Woman Won The Nobel Prize In Physics. Why?
- Wednesday October 5, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
When the winners of the 2016 Nobel Prize in physics were announced Tuesday, some folks in the science community were disappointed that the honor had not gone to the researchers behind this year's historic detection of gravitational waves.
First-Ever Baby Born Using 'Three Parent' Genetic Engineering Technique
- Wednesday September 28, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
According to an exclusive report in New Scientist, a breakthrough birth occurred under the radar some five months ago. With the help of John Zhang from the New Hope Fertility Center in New York City, a Jordanian couple conceived and gave birth to a child with more than two genetic parents.
NASA Just Saw Europa's Geysers Erupting Into Space. Again.
- Tuesday September 27, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
Look, we told you it wasn't going to be aliens.
Nasa Spots an 'Impossible' Cloud on Saturn's Moon Titan, for the Second Time
- Thursday September 22, 2016
- Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
"The appearance of this ice cloud goes against everything we know about the way clouds form on Titan," said lead study author Carrie Anderson.
NASA Spots An 'Impossible' Cloud On Titan - For The Second Time
- Thursday September 22, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
Saturn's moon Titan has been called the most Earthlike world found to date. It's the only other place in the solar system where stable liquid sits on the surface - seas of liquid methane flow into channels that have created magnificent canyons - and scientists have suggested that the icy world might be able to support some kind of alien life.
Dwarf Planet Ceres May Hold A Towering Ice Volcano
- Sunday September 4, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
Lots of folks may still be salty over Pluto's "demotion" from planet to dwarf planet, but it's becoming apparent that the little worlds with this designation are anything but boring. In a set of six studies published Thursday in Science, researchers report that Ceres - a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter - plays host to man...
Scientists Say They've Found A Planet Orbiting Proxima Centauri, Our Closest Neighbor
- Thursday August 25, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
Scientists have discovered what they believe to be a new planet, the closest one ever detected outside our solar system. It is a small, rocky planet not unlike our own, orbiting the sun's closest stellar neighbor.
NASA Just Found A Spacecraft That's Been Lost For Two Years
- Wednesday August 24, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
NASA is reporting that one of the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatories, known as the STEREO-B spacecraft, has made contact after two years of silence.
Ever Wonder What's on the Menu for Astronauts?
- Friday November 9, 2018
- Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
Neil Armstrong may have taken that first small step for man onto the moon, but it was John Glenn who took the first slurp of applesauce.
Guide To Spooky Species: Some Scary-Looking Ones Are All Fang And No Bite
- Monday October 23, 2017
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
The animal kingdom is chock-full of critters that look like something out of a nightmare. Although some of them have earned their bad reputations, others are far less frightening than they seem.
Mars Lander Has Likely Crashed, Scientists Fear
- Friday October 21, 2016
- World News | Sarah Kaplan, Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
A European and Russian robot that was supposed to touch down on Mars on Wednesday probably crashed during landing.
Juno Spacecraft Slips Into Safe Mode, Putting Science On Hold
- Thursday October 20, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
NASA's orbital mission isn't going quite as planned.
The Moon Is A More Violent Place Than We Thought
- Thursday October 13, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
Lunar colonies may have to look out for dangerous sprays of moon dust and meteor debris.
Dear Science: Why Do I Always Get Sick When The Seasons Change?
- Tuesday October 11, 2016
- Health | Rachel Feltman, Sarah Kaplan, The Washington Post
Q: I'm so glad that it's finally fall - I love this weather. But as usual, I've got a cold. It seems like everyone gets sick as the seasons change. Is this true? Does "catching a chill" really make you sick, or is it something else?
It's Been 53 Years Since A Woman Won The Nobel Prize In Physics. Why?
- Wednesday October 5, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
When the winners of the 2016 Nobel Prize in physics were announced Tuesday, some folks in the science community were disappointed that the honor had not gone to the researchers behind this year's historic detection of gravitational waves.
First-Ever Baby Born Using 'Three Parent' Genetic Engineering Technique
- Wednesday September 28, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
According to an exclusive report in New Scientist, a breakthrough birth occurred under the radar some five months ago. With the help of John Zhang from the New Hope Fertility Center in New York City, a Jordanian couple conceived and gave birth to a child with more than two genetic parents.
NASA Just Saw Europa's Geysers Erupting Into Space. Again.
- Tuesday September 27, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
Look, we told you it wasn't going to be aliens.
Nasa Spots an 'Impossible' Cloud on Saturn's Moon Titan, for the Second Time
- Thursday September 22, 2016
- Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
"The appearance of this ice cloud goes against everything we know about the way clouds form on Titan," said lead study author Carrie Anderson.
NASA Spots An 'Impossible' Cloud On Titan - For The Second Time
- Thursday September 22, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
Saturn's moon Titan has been called the most Earthlike world found to date. It's the only other place in the solar system where stable liquid sits on the surface - seas of liquid methane flow into channels that have created magnificent canyons - and scientists have suggested that the icy world might be able to support some kind of alien life.
Dwarf Planet Ceres May Hold A Towering Ice Volcano
- Sunday September 4, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
Lots of folks may still be salty over Pluto's "demotion" from planet to dwarf planet, but it's becoming apparent that the little worlds with this designation are anything but boring. In a set of six studies published Thursday in Science, researchers report that Ceres - a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter - plays host to man...
Scientists Say They've Found A Planet Orbiting Proxima Centauri, Our Closest Neighbor
- Thursday August 25, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
Scientists have discovered what they believe to be a new planet, the closest one ever detected outside our solar system. It is a small, rocky planet not unlike our own, orbiting the sun's closest stellar neighbor.
NASA Just Found A Spacecraft That's Been Lost For Two Years
- Wednesday August 24, 2016
- World News | Rachel Feltman, The Washington Post
NASA is reporting that one of the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatories, known as the STEREO-B spacecraft, has made contact after two years of silence.