Reason Behind Weight Gain
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5 Possible Reasons Behind Your Temporary Weight Gain
- Thursday April 20, 2023
- Health | Varsha Vats
Temporary weight gain is a common issue that many face. Celebrity nutritionist Nmami Agarwal shared 5 possible causes of temporary weight gain. Here's the list.
These Could Be The Possible Reasons Behind Your Sudden Weight Gain
- Wednesday March 2, 2022
- Edited by NDTV Health Desk
Sometimes, you tend to suddenly gain weight due to some hormonal changes taking place in the body. Nutritionist Nmami lists other possible reasons behind sudden weight gain.
PCOS Could Be The Reason Behind Your Hair Fall: Expert Explains How And Tips To Fight This
- Wednesday July 15, 2020
- Written by Varsha Vats
PCOS can contribute to hair fall and several other problems. Hormonal imbalance is main reason behind health issues linked with PCOS. Read here to know how PCOS can contribute to hair fall and ways to fight this.
Are You Gaining Weight? 5 Possible Reasons Behind Unintentional Weight Gain
- Thursday March 12, 2020
- Health | Written by Varsha Vats
Are you gaining weight suddenly? There are several reasons behind weight gain other than calorie intake. Here are some possible reasons you must know.
Gaining Weight? Revealed 5 Hidden Reasons Behind Unintentional Weight Gain
- Tuesday January 14, 2020
- Health | Written by Varsha Vats
A healthy diet and regular exercise are two important factors that can affect your body weight.To lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume. If you want to lose weight here are some hidden factors you must keep in mind to lose weight effectively.
Weight Gain And Menopause: Reasons Why You Gain Weight During Menopause; Know Some Weight Loss Tips For Women During Menopause
- Sunday December 1, 2019
- Dr. Sanchita Dubey
Menopause is a normal part of every woman's life. Weight gain during menopause is a common problem that one may experience. There are many reasons behind it. Here are the reason behind weight gain during menopause and ways to tackle it.
Weight Loss: This Is The First Step Towards Achieving Fat Loss And Good Health
- Wednesday November 13, 2019
- Written by Garima Arora
Weight loss tips: Introspection is the first step on your weight loss journey. Read here to know how introspecting the duration and cause of weight gain and can help you lose weight in a healthy manner.
Other Than Junk Food, This Is Perhaps What's Making Your Child Obese
- Thursday October 31, 2019
- Edited by Deeksha Sarin
While consumption of junk and high-calorie foods is undoubtedly a leading cause of obesity, a recent study, published in the journal Obesity Reviews, has shed light on another reason that may be a key factor behind obesity in children.
Always Tired? 6 Reasons Why You Have Low Energy Levels
- Wednesday August 7, 2019
- Varsha Vats
Feeling of tiredness is quite common these days. It can restrict you from completing your day to day activities. There can be several possible reasons behind constant fatigue. Read here to know them.
This Is The Reason Why You Feel Hungrier As You Lose Weight
- Saturday February 10, 2018
- Food | NDTV Food Desk
If losing weight has left you hungrier than ever, there is a reason behind it. According to a study published in the American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, it can be hard to maintain a healthy weight after substantial weight loss.
5 Possible Reasons Behind Your Temporary Weight Gain
- Thursday April 20, 2023
- Health | Varsha Vats
Temporary weight gain is a common issue that many face. Celebrity nutritionist Nmami Agarwal shared 5 possible causes of temporary weight gain. Here's the list.
These Could Be The Possible Reasons Behind Your Sudden Weight Gain
- Wednesday March 2, 2022
- Edited by NDTV Health Desk
Sometimes, you tend to suddenly gain weight due to some hormonal changes taking place in the body. Nutritionist Nmami lists other possible reasons behind sudden weight gain.
PCOS Could Be The Reason Behind Your Hair Fall: Expert Explains How And Tips To Fight This
- Wednesday July 15, 2020
- Written by Varsha Vats
PCOS can contribute to hair fall and several other problems. Hormonal imbalance is main reason behind health issues linked with PCOS. Read here to know how PCOS can contribute to hair fall and ways to fight this.
Are You Gaining Weight? 5 Possible Reasons Behind Unintentional Weight Gain
- Thursday March 12, 2020
- Health | Written by Varsha Vats
Are you gaining weight suddenly? There are several reasons behind weight gain other than calorie intake. Here are some possible reasons you must know.
Gaining Weight? Revealed 5 Hidden Reasons Behind Unintentional Weight Gain
- Tuesday January 14, 2020
- Health | Written by Varsha Vats
A healthy diet and regular exercise are two important factors that can affect your body weight.To lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume. If you want to lose weight here are some hidden factors you must keep in mind to lose weight effectively.
Weight Gain And Menopause: Reasons Why You Gain Weight During Menopause; Know Some Weight Loss Tips For Women During Menopause
- Sunday December 1, 2019
- Dr. Sanchita Dubey
Menopause is a normal part of every woman's life. Weight gain during menopause is a common problem that one may experience. There are many reasons behind it. Here are the reason behind weight gain during menopause and ways to tackle it.
Weight Loss: This Is The First Step Towards Achieving Fat Loss And Good Health
- Wednesday November 13, 2019
- Written by Garima Arora
Weight loss tips: Introspection is the first step on your weight loss journey. Read here to know how introspecting the duration and cause of weight gain and can help you lose weight in a healthy manner.
Other Than Junk Food, This Is Perhaps What's Making Your Child Obese
- Thursday October 31, 2019
- Edited by Deeksha Sarin
While consumption of junk and high-calorie foods is undoubtedly a leading cause of obesity, a recent study, published in the journal Obesity Reviews, has shed light on another reason that may be a key factor behind obesity in children.
Always Tired? 6 Reasons Why You Have Low Energy Levels
- Wednesday August 7, 2019
- Varsha Vats
Feeling of tiredness is quite common these days. It can restrict you from completing your day to day activities. There can be several possible reasons behind constant fatigue. Read here to know them.
This Is The Reason Why You Feel Hungrier As You Lose Weight
- Saturday February 10, 2018
- Food | NDTV Food Desk
If losing weight has left you hungrier than ever, there is a reason behind it. According to a study published in the American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, it can be hard to maintain a healthy weight after substantial weight loss.