Stress And Weight Gain
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5 Surprising Food Habits That Are Making You Overeat ... And How To Change Them
- Friday January 5, 2024
- Jigyasa Kakwani
Do you have a habit of eating too fast or watching your favourite show while having your meals? Here are 5 such habits that could be messing with your health and how you can fix them.
Understanding The Relationship Between Hormones And Women's Health
- Monday May 15, 2023
- Dr. Avani Pillai
Maintaining hormonal balance is crucial for women's health. Lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and stress management can help support hormonal balance.
Mental Health: 8 Health Risks Of High Cortisol Levels To Watch Out For
- Wednesday May 3, 2023
- Health | Manya Singh
Chronic stress and high cortisol levels can lead to a number of health risks, including weight gain, high blood pressure, weakened immune system, etc.
Mental Health: Stress Can Fasten Biological Age; Here's How To Stop It
- Thursday April 27, 2023
- Manya Singh
DNA structures are modified when the body is under stress which leads to changes in the way genes function, continue reading to avoid this.
Mental Health: Prolonged Stress Can Lead To Cognitive Decline; Tips To Lower Risk
- Wednesday April 19, 2023
- Manya Singh
Prolonged stress can lead to cognitive decline, impair memory formation, and increase the risk of developing cognitive disorders.
International Women's Day: How Stress Can Impact The Heart And Brain In Women
- Monday March 7, 2022
- Health | Dr Manish Mahajan & Dr Ankur Phatarpekar
Though majority of us know that poor dietary habits and sedentary lifestyle can lead to multiple problems like cardiovascular disease, weight gain and various aches and pains, very few take corrective measures.
Stress And Weight: Nmami Agarwal Outlines The "Unhealthy Connection"
- Thursday February 3, 2022
- Edited by NDTV Health Desk
Celeb nutritionist Nmami Agarwal share tips on how we can break the unhealthy connection between stress and weight gain.
Walking Benefits: Weight Loss, Lower Stress And Other Ways This Simple Activity Can Help You
- Thursday April 1, 2021
- Shivjeet Ghatge, Fitness Enthusiast
Walking benefits: Research published by U.K. based scientists at the Heriot-Watt University, suggests that taking a walk in green spaces tends to create a calming state of mind.
Experiencing Acidity More Often? Stress Could Be The Culprit! Follow These Rules To Avoid Acidity
- Monday February 8, 2021
- Health | Written by Varsha Vats
Acidity is a common issues that many experience at some point or the other. You can fight acidity by following simple do's and don'ts. Read here to know some of these.
Understanding The Impact Of Stress On Sleep: Know Tips Manage Stress
- Friday January 22, 2021
- Vaishnavi Mohanraj
Stress is harmful to your health in various ways. It can also affect your sleep pattern. Read here to know the impact of stress on your sleep and how to manage stress.
5 Surprising Food Habits That Are Making You Overeat ... And How To Change Them
- Friday January 5, 2024
- Jigyasa Kakwani
Do you have a habit of eating too fast or watching your favourite show while having your meals? Here are 5 such habits that could be messing with your health and how you can fix them.
Understanding The Relationship Between Hormones And Women's Health
- Monday May 15, 2023
- Dr. Avani Pillai
Maintaining hormonal balance is crucial for women's health. Lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and stress management can help support hormonal balance.
Mental Health: 8 Health Risks Of High Cortisol Levels To Watch Out For
- Wednesday May 3, 2023
- Health | Manya Singh
Chronic stress and high cortisol levels can lead to a number of health risks, including weight gain, high blood pressure, weakened immune system, etc.
Mental Health: Stress Can Fasten Biological Age; Here's How To Stop It
- Thursday April 27, 2023
- Manya Singh
DNA structures are modified when the body is under stress which leads to changes in the way genes function, continue reading to avoid this.
Mental Health: Prolonged Stress Can Lead To Cognitive Decline; Tips To Lower Risk
- Wednesday April 19, 2023
- Manya Singh
Prolonged stress can lead to cognitive decline, impair memory formation, and increase the risk of developing cognitive disorders.
International Women's Day: How Stress Can Impact The Heart And Brain In Women
- Monday March 7, 2022
- Health | Dr Manish Mahajan & Dr Ankur Phatarpekar
Though majority of us know that poor dietary habits and sedentary lifestyle can lead to multiple problems like cardiovascular disease, weight gain and various aches and pains, very few take corrective measures.
Stress And Weight: Nmami Agarwal Outlines The "Unhealthy Connection"
- Thursday February 3, 2022
- Edited by NDTV Health Desk
Celeb nutritionist Nmami Agarwal share tips on how we can break the unhealthy connection between stress and weight gain.
Walking Benefits: Weight Loss, Lower Stress And Other Ways This Simple Activity Can Help You
- Thursday April 1, 2021
- Shivjeet Ghatge, Fitness Enthusiast
Walking benefits: Research published by U.K. based scientists at the Heriot-Watt University, suggests that taking a walk in green spaces tends to create a calming state of mind.
Experiencing Acidity More Often? Stress Could Be The Culprit! Follow These Rules To Avoid Acidity
- Monday February 8, 2021
- Health | Written by Varsha Vats
Acidity is a common issues that many experience at some point or the other. You can fight acidity by following simple do's and don'ts. Read here to know some of these.
Understanding The Impact Of Stress On Sleep: Know Tips Manage Stress
- Friday January 22, 2021
- Vaishnavi Mohanraj
Stress is harmful to your health in various ways. It can also affect your sleep pattern. Read here to know the impact of stress on your sleep and how to manage stress.