Walking In Winter For Weight Loss
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'Walking In Winter For Weight Loss' - 3 News Result(s)
One Sure Shot Way To Avoid Winter Weight Gain Without Depriving Yourself Of Your Favourite Foods
- Tuesday December 28, 2021
- Health | Edited by NDTV Health Desk
Celeb Nutritionist Nmami Aggarwal explains, "As we become lazy to go out for walk or do any sort of physical activity in winter, here is one sure-shot way to avoid winter weight gain."
'Walking In Winter For Weight Loss' - 3 News Result(s)
One Sure Shot Way To Avoid Winter Weight Gain Without Depriving Yourself Of Your Favourite Foods
- Tuesday December 28, 2021
- Health | Edited by NDTV Health Desk
Celeb Nutritionist Nmami Aggarwal explains, "As we become lazy to go out for walk or do any sort of physical activity in winter, here is one sure-shot way to avoid winter weight gain."