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Traffic Challan Status


NDTV's Challan Update app makes it simpler to check online traffic challan. To check your traffic challan, all you need to do is, go to the "challan" section of the website and punch in your car number in the search bar. By clicking on "go", a list of your traffic challan would surface, notifying the exact day, date, time and location of traffic rule violation. If there are no online challan your registered car number, then it will show that you have "zero" traffic challan.

Using the app, you can also read the notice from the traffic police and also pay the penalty online by using credit or debit card or internet banking service.

The NDTV Challan Update app will also reflect a picture captured on the CCTV with the exact location where the violation took place. Another feature that sets the app apart is the facility to get alerts of your online challan via mail and SMS. To subscribe to this service, simply punch in your e-mail id and mobile number to get notifications. You can subscribe for browser notifications facility. It is a simple way to be updated about your traffic challan status.

The amended Motor Vehicles Act is a move to make roads safer with strict rules and hefty increase in penalties for traffic violations. The Motor Vehicles Act, which was amended after consultation with transport ministers from 18 states along with discussion with other standing committees, came into effect on September 1, 2019.

With new traffic rules, violators of traffic rules are heavily fined. The fine for not wearing a helmet went up from Rs 100 to Rs 1,000. The fine for talking on mobile phone and driving was raised to Rs 5,000 from Rs 500. And the fine for drinking and driving was increased from Rs 2,000 to Rs 10,000. Not giving way to emergency services such as an ambulance now attracts a fine of Rs 10,000.

According to the new act, there is a ten-fold increase in the insurance compensation from Rs 50,000 to Rs 5 lakh. The minimum compensation for hit-and-run cases has been increased from Rs 25,000 to Rs 2 lakh in case of death and to Rs 50,000 from Rs 12,500 in case of grievous injury. Also a provision for Motor Vehicle Accident Fund has provided a compulsory insurance cover to all road users in India.

The amendment in the act also states that the use of Aadhar number will be mandatory for applying for driving licence and vehicle registrations. There are also processes to computerize the system of making driver's license and a person would only get their license after passing online tests. The new act also reduces the validity of the driving licence from the current 20 years to just 10 years. Those renewing their licences between the age of 50 and 55 years will have a validity only till 60 years. And those renewing the licence after the age of 55, will have a validity only of five years.


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