
Traveller's Guide To Basic Phrases In 5 Most Popular Tourist Destinations In The World

Love travelling but struggle with the language barrier? Here is your guide to basic words and phrases for travelling in France, Spain, Italy, China and Turkey.

Traveller's Guide To Basic Phrases In 5 Most Popular Tourist Destinations In The World
Check out some basic phrases translated from English to 5 different languages. (Photo: iStock)

Travelling to a new country can be a life-changing experience. You get to see and explore exciting landmarks, meet new people and enjoy all kinds of new foods. But before you dive into the adventure, it is important to be aware of certain important information such as understanding the currency, your modes of travelling within the country, and one of the most important factors - the local language. Now, we do not expect you to be an expert in a foreign language. However, knowing some basic words can help you communicate better with the hotel staff, and shopkeepers, while asking people for directions and so on.

According to the data from World Population Review, the top 6 most visited countries in the world in 2024 were France, Spain, Italy, the United States, China and Turkey. Since English is one of the most common global languages, here are some basic word translations for the rest of the 5 countries.

Words In EnglishFrench (France)Spanish (Spain)Mandarin (China)Italian (Italy)Turkish (Turkey)
HelloBonjourHolaNǐ hǎoCiao/BuongiornoMerhaba
ByeAu revoirAdiósZàijiàn Ciao/ArrivederciGüle güle
GoodBon/Bienbueno (adjective), Bien (adverb)HǎoBuono/Beneİyi
You're WelcomeDe rienDe nadaBù kèqì PregoRica ederim
PleaseS'il vous plaîtPor favorQǐngPer favoreLütfen
Thank youMerciGraciasXièxieGrazieTeşekkür ederim
How much?Combien ça coûte?¿Cuánto cuesta?Duōshǎo qián?Quanto costa?Ne kadar?
NoNonNoBù shìNoHayır
Excuse meExcusez-moi/PardonDisculpe/PerdónDuìbùqǐScusi/PermessoAffedersiniz/Pardon
BathroomToilettes/Salle de bainBañoXǐshǒujiānBagnoTuvalet/Banyo
SorryDésolé(e)/Pardon Lo siento/PerdónDuìbùqǐMi dispiace/ScusaÖzür dilerim
MallCentre commercialCentro comercialGòuwù zhòngxīnCentro commercialeAlışveriş merkezi
TaxiTaxiTaxiChūzū chēTaxiTaksi


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France is at the top of the list, with an expected 89.4 million international tourist arrivals in 2024. Paris continues to captivate visitors with its iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and Notre-Dame Cathedral. When in France, you must know some common words like "Bonjour" (Hello) and end with "Au revoir" (Bye). "Merci" (Thank you) and "S'il vous plait" (Please) are fundamental for polite interactions. When inquiring about costs, say "Combien ca coute?" (How much?) 


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Spain is also a wonderful tourist attraction with its lively culture, beautiful beaches, and fascinating history. When exploring the vibrant streets of Spain, a simple "Hola" (Hello) or "Adios" (Bye) can go a long way. To express gratitude, use "Gracias" (Thank you), and to request something, say "Por favor" (Please). In case you need to find a restroom, ask for "Bano." 


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China offers an abundance of historical treasures like the majestic Great Wall of China along with the futuristic skyline in the fast-paced metropolis of Shanghai. Language can be tough to navigate, so knowing some basic words can help. In China, greet people with "Ni hao" (Hello) and say farewell with "Zaijian" (Bye). If you need to apologize use "Duibuqi." For transportation use "Chuzu che" (Taxi) and "Jichng" (Airport), and for accommodation use "Jiudian" (Hotel). For shopping use "Shichang" (Market) and "Gouwu zhongxin" (Mall). 


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Cities like Rome, Florence, and Venice are iconic in Italy with its centuries-old history, breathtaking art, and world-class cuisine. In Italy, you say "Grazie" for thank you, and "Per favore" for please. Ask "Quanto costa?" (How much?) for prices and "Dove?" (Where?) for directions. "Bagno" is the word for bathroom, and "Soldi" means money. If you need police, search for "Polizia."


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Turkey's unique blend of East meets West, along with its rich cultural history, draws millions of visitors from around the world. In Turkey, say "Merhaba" for hello, and "Gule gule" for bye. "Ne kadar?" (How much?) is used for prices, and "Nerede?" (Where?) for directions. For transportation use "Taksi" and "Havaalani", and for accommodation use "Otel." When looking for shops, go to the "Pazar" or "Alisveris merkezi." If you need police, search for "Polis."

By learning these basic phrases, tourists can travel to these beautiful and popular countries more confidently and respectfully.

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