An X post about a person missing their flight due to an alleged preponement has gone viral. X user Prakhar Gupta (@prvkhvr), who is a popular podcaster, took to the platform to pen a long thread about his experience dealing with IndiGo. In the post, he claims that the airline preponed his 6:45 am flight by 15 minutes, which caused him to miss it. He was allegedly notified of the change only via text (no email) sent at 4 am. He stated that the airline closed their check-in counters as per the original 6:30 am flight timing. Thus, when he reached the airport he was not allowed to check-in his luggage and was obligated to pay for a ticket on another flight. He implied that making him do so was unreasonable.
The complete post read, "How do you change a flight time and PREPONE it, 2.5 hours before the flight at 4 AM in the morning, expect me to make it on time, and then when I do get there 5 minutes behind on the NEW TIME, you do not let me check in my bag and make me pay for a new flight?
I got no email, and one measly text at 4 AM this morning that my flight time has been preponed from 6:45 to 6:30, and you close your check-in counters according to 6:30?? There has to be some sanity in flying in this country. Flight providers cannot whimsically play with people's times and lives without us being compensated, and more so without making us pay more for their errors. This is a violation of any reasonable terms of service."
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The X user also complained about the airline staff and claimed they were rude to him and his co-passenger. He said that the staff accused them of filming when they were not. He also cited other examples of alleged "unprofessional" and "suspicious" behaviour of the IndiGo staff. Read the full post below:
IndiGo took note of this viral post and commented, "Mr Gupta, we are currently looking into this and will reach out to you soon to resolve the matter. - Navi." Later, the X user shared an update in reply to IndiGo's comment. He claimed the airline team tried to bribe him with Rs 6000 to remove his earlier post. He said that he received no apology, either written or verbal. "However, safe to say that social media pressure does work. Apparently, Indigo HQ is now involved, but no help has been offered," he wrote.
IndiGo has yet to respond to the bribe allegation.
Disclaimer: NDTV does not vouch for the claims in the post by the X user.