A travel influencer has gone viral for her video showing her key expenses in 2024. Sharanya Iyer took to Instagram to share a reel in which she breaks down how she spent Rs 50 lakh in the past year. A major chunk of the same was used for travel. Sharanya revealed that she spent around Rs 5 lakhs in total on flights in 2024. She spent Rs 3 lakh on a trip to Greenland, Rs 2.5 lakh on three trips to Iceland, Rs 1 lakh on her visit to Thailand and Laos (combined), Rs 1.5 lakh on a Madeira trip and Rs 8 lakh on a trip to South Africa with her parents. She also spent around Rs 60000 on her "European Summer." She said that she won Rs 40000 at the casino during this trip, which would presumably have brought the overall costs down.
Besides these travel expenses, she revealed that she spent Rs 22 lakh on buying a new car and Rs 5 lakh on medical expenses not covered by insurance. In the caption, Sharanya clarified that these figures do not include her spending on "F&B, daily expenses and material accumulations." She wrote, "I used to be such an obsessive Saver and spend sparingly on the 'big' things. 2024 changed that with help and advice and healthy pushes from my dad and friends. Not everyone needs to agree, but this has been my significant move last year, and it brought me so much JOY and a sense of safety in an otherwise difficult year. Here's to more of this in 2025!" Watch the complete viral video below:
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The reel has received a lot of interest online. Several people cheered for Sharanya and shared her hopes for more trips in 2025. Many were curious to know how she could afford such spending in the first place. A few pointed out that they initially thought that her trips were sponsored. Sharanya clarified that she pays for much of her own travel. Here's how some Instagram users reacted in the comments section:
"I see it as an investment in your soul."
"Love this approach..."
"My middle-class mindset screaming."
"You will be having some amazing stories to tell."
"Meanwhile Finance influencers are experiencing trauma after this reel."
"Amazing reel. Influencers often talk about how many countries they've been to, but the amount of money needed to travel should also be a topic of discussion."
"No money spent on travelling should be considered as an expense."
"Please tell how you are earning soo much also!!"
Do you also have travel goals for 2025? Here are some tips for finding cheaper flight tickets that may help you travel more by spending less!
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