Tips To Beat Your Jet-Lag

By: Somdatta Saha

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Pre-flight prep, staying hydrated, choosing right seat, moving around mid-flight and taking nap help you land feeling refreshed.

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Pre-Flight Prep

Airplane cabins are drier than most deserts, so chugging water in the 24 hours before your flight is non-negotiable. 

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Choose Your Seat

The seat you pick can make or break your flight. Skip the back of the plane, where noise and foot traffic are relentless.

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Your internal clock doesn't care that you're suddenly in a different time zone. The trick is to start adjusting it before you land. 

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Trick Your Body Clock

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Move And Stretch

Combat body cramps by moving your legs every hour — wiggle your toes, flex your feet, and, if possible, walk around. 

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Fuel Your Body

Opt for lighter meals with protein and complex carbs. If you're prone to bloating, avoid fizzy drinks and gassy foods. 

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