Mahakumbh: Among the many interesting sadhus and seers who have arrived in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh for the upcoming Mahakumbh Mela is Gangapuri Maharaj, a 57-year-old sadhu from Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh. Gangapuri Maharaj has garnered attention of visitors in Prayagraj for his unique and unconventional vow not to take a bath. He claims to have decided against bathing as part of his larger spiritual resolution. Also known as Chotu Baba, Gangapuri Maharaj is attending the Maha Kumbh Mela for the first time. Gangapuri Maharaj has not bathed for the last 32 years and said, "I do not take a bath because I have a wish which has not been fulfilled in the last 32 years. I will not take a bath in the Ganga."