3 years for rape, murder: Juvenile law vs justice?

Tonight on The Buck Stops Here:

3 years for rape, murder: Juvenile law vs justice?

The first conviction in the Delhi Gang-rape case brings no joy to the braveheart's parents, who say the Juvenile Justice Board has denied their daughter justice. The three-year sentence for the lone juvenile accused in the case reignites the debate on whether juveniles accused of heinous crimes such as rape and murder should benefit from the lenient provisions of the Juvenile Justice Act.

Is Asaram Bapu above the law?

After a week of evading arrest, Asaram Bapu, the self-proclaimed godman accused of molesting a minor, finally surfaces at his Indore ashram. Only, this time, he's hiding behind a medical certificate that claims he suffers from neurological disorders that prevent him from travelling. With the Jodhpur police closing in, is Asaram's game of hide-and-seek almost up?

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