Mumbai police clarified on Friday that the person initially detained in connection with the Saif Ali Khan attack case was not involved. The actor, 54, was stabbed six times, including a wound to his neck, during a burglary attempt at his Bandra residence around 2:30 am Thursday. A staff member was also injured in the scuffle. Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital at 3:30 am and underwent emergency surgery. Doctors confirmed he is now out of danger. According to police, the attacker was linked to one of Khan's staff members, who allowed entry into the house. A glimpse of the attacker was captured on CCTV, but he managed to escape after being locked in a room. The staff member in question is being interrogated, and an FIR has been filed under non-bailable sections of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita. This shocking incident has left the nation and the film fraternity shaken, raising concerns about safety and security in the city.