Ace Women Investors Devina Mehra & Amisha Vora Share Investment Mantras

Marking International Women's Day, ace investor Devina Mehra, chairperson and global strategist at First Global, urges women to start saving and investing early (while shedding some caution along the way). Devina points out that the best returns don't always come from "good stocks" because the "good" elements are priced in to stock prices. The real big returns come when companies stage a turn-around - when cash flows turn, when the industry cycle turns or there is a significant debt restructuring. Look out for those turns and the returns will follow.

Amisha Vora, joint Managing Director at Prabhudas Lilladher Group advises that a judgement to invest should be based on growth. Sustainability and pricing of that growth is an important criterion for her to select stocks.