Saif Ali Khan Stabbed News | Actor Saif Ali Khan Attacked With Sharp Weapon At Home, Hospitalised | Saif Ali Khan was allegedly stabbed by an intruder, who barged in his Mumbai house. The incident took place around 2.30 am on Thursday. The actor is currently undergoing treatment at Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital. Police has started the investigation and an FIR against an intruder has been lodged at the Bandra Police Station. An intruder sneaked into Saif Ali Khan's house while he was sleeping with wife Kareena Kapoor and sons Taimur and Jeh, according to Police. A scuffle broke out between the actor and the intruder after he attempted to barge in, Police confirmed. Later, the intruder allegedly stabbed Saif Ali Khan a couple of times and fled the crime scene.