Alarming Child Deaths At Hospital In UP, At Top Of National Horror List

At Shravasti, perched on eastern Uttar Pradesh's border with Nepal, the state's ground zero of child deaths, the fight to save extremely frail newborns - born to anaemic, undernourished mothers at the 10-bed sick and newborn care unit or SNCU of the district hospital - involves zero full time doctors. When NDTV visited the hospital, Dr Imran Moin and Dr Pradeep Kumar, two child specialists who also manage other sections of the hospital including the Out Patient Department, are trying to convince the parents of a just-born baby to shift to Gorakhpur's medical college - over 200 km away. The baby is severely underweight. It has turned blue and every breath seems to be under tremendous pain. The family of the child refuses, but relents after an hour.

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