Campaign Ambassador Amitabh Bachchan Explains COVID-19 Appropriate Behaviour

Campaign Ambassador Amitabh Bachchan explains the kind of precautions he took while fighting the coronavirus battle. Explaining few of the COVID appropriate behaviour that he himself is following as he has resumed work in the times of coronavirus, he said, "After becoming COVID negative and developing some kinds of antibodies, I was still quarantined in my room at home for 14 days. I strictly followed all the norms. Even now, when I go out of my house, I wear a mask, wash my hands as frequently as I can. Yes, I am working, but I have laid down certain stipulations where I work, like the studio needs to be first sanitised with a particular chemical which is also approved by the ICUs of hospitals across, separate corridors needs to be built where you can't get too close to me or other people. Everyone who works close to me is wearing PPE suits, masks and face shields. These are some of the very basic precautions we all are taking and I think, we can overly become examples for the rest of the people by doing this ourself and carry on with the dialogue that coronavirus is still not over and we all need to continue to take precautions."

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