Amitabh Bachchan Launches NDTV-Dettol Banega Swachh India Season 5

In season 5 of Banega Swachh India campaign, NDTV will focus on Hygiene, Air pollution, and Sanitation and will make children the focus, as they are the most vulnerable to lack of sanitation and hygiene and are also India's future. This year, the motto of the campaign is while everyone should follow the #Mere10Guz initiative in their everyday lives, but also help convert individual efforts into a greater collective community action. So while everyone should keep their ten yards clean, they should also lend a hand and help others learn to do so, thereby, creating a ripple effect in the Swachh ecosystem. Campaign Ambassador Amitabh Bachchan during the launch also unveiled Swachh Agenda, with an appeal that each one of should adopt it for a Clean India mission 2019 - Sanitation: End open defecation; Wash: Practise hand-washing; Air pollution: Do your bit for clean air; Cleanliness: Stop littering; Health: Work for a healthy future and Hygienic: Make India clean by 2019.

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