Animals Deserve To Have A Normal Life: Paul McCartney, Singer and Songwriter

Paul McCartney, Singer and Songwriter and Former Beatles Member joins the NDTV-India Animal Fund Freedom For All Telethon, an initiative that envisions a world free of animal harm and exploitation which prioritises ending the suffering of all sentient beings independent of species. Sharing his message he said, “I have always been a great advocate of animal welfare because I believe that on this beautiful planet that we live on, our fellow creatures are really important. Here we are at this time in space, in the universe, and there's us humans, and there's animals. And I always think that they deserve to have their best shot and to have a good chance and a normal life. So, I hope you will be able to support the India Animal Fund and like me, try and give a good chance to all our fellow creatures to live a beautiful, harmonious life. They deserve it.”

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