The BJP released its first list of 29 candidates today, setting the stage for some high-profile contests. Former MP Parvesh Verma, son of former Delhi Chief Minister Sahib Singh Verma, will take on Arvind Kejriwal in New Delhi. Former South Delhi MP Ramesh Bidhuri has been fielded against Chief Minister Atishi in Kalkaji. Former Congress Delhi president Arvinder Lovely, who was close to former chief minister Sheila Dikshit, will contest from Gandhi Nagar while former AAP minister Kailash Gahlot has been named the candidate from Bijwasan. While the AAP has declared all 70 candidates, the Congress has announced 48 nominees so far.
The day also saw women protesting outside Arvind Kejriwal's residence, accusing him of unfulfilled promises in Punjab. Kejriwal hit out, claiming these were BJP and Congress workers and they should declare they are working together.
The BJP also took forward the 'aapda' (disaster) jibe made by the PM yesterday, releasing a poster against him and accusing the Delhi government of being responsible for financial mismanagement and rising debt. This led to the AAP releasing its own posters. The question remains: Will poll sops lead to an AAP victory or will the BJP cash in on anti-incumbency?