Faith In Vaccine: Only Shot At Hope?

India's big fight, the biggest fight, in fact, is against the virus. And as we are fighting the pandemic, there is another increasingly alarming crisis that we face - the infodemic - a crisis of convincing people on the vaccination process, on why it is important to take this vaccine, on why vaccines are not bad. The government calls it miscommunication and mischief by a few who have spread fake news, but not all criticism against the vaccine is fake news. In fact, doctors themselves have raised these doubts, and after Week 1, a big area of concern is that Covid warriors themselves are not coming out in the manner they should, to take the jab. Naturally, there is a question that if warriors themselves aren't convinced how will people be convinced? The point on efficacy data not being available plays on everyone's minds, so how exactly will the government convince more people to take the vaccine? A massive information campaign will be launched to tell people that the vaccine is our only hope in stopping another spread. On The Big Fight tonight, India fights the pandemic, and the infodemic. Will data and information alone build faith in the vaccine? And at this moment, is that our only hope?

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