On Tuesday, Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar addressed the allegations of voter name deletions in several constituencies and explained the steps involved in the preparation of the electoral roll. During a press conference where he announced the schedule for the Delhi Assembly elections, Kumar acknowledged that political parties had raised concerns regarding possible wrongful additions and deletions of names. He also addressed claims that certain groups were specifically targeted, with their names being removed from the electoral rolls. #RajivKumar #ChiefElectionCommissioner #PressConference #ElectionCommission #EVM #DelhiElectionDates #ArvindKejriwal #AAP #DelhiElections #Delhipolls #DelhiPolitics #DelhiElections #DelhiAssemblyPolls2025 #BJP #DelhiPolls #DelhiAssemblyPolls #DelhiAssemblyElections #2025DelhiElections #2025DelhiPolls