"Did Not Restitute A Rupee To Banks, Nor File For Extradition": Nirmala Sitharaman Shreds Congress

Nirmala Sitharaman shredded the Opposition and Congress for not restituting even a rupee to the banks from defaulters. "The restitution amount was nil. They did not even restitute one rupee to the banks. However, during our period, we restituted Rs 16,333 crore. Similarly, Red Corner Notices and extraditions. None was done during their time. Everything is nil. We have issued Red Corner Notices on 24 people and orders have been passed to extradite Nirav Modi, Vijay Mallya, and Sanjay Bhandari, all of whom benefited through loans during their period. They gave loans to these people in their period. And then these people ran away from the country. They did not take any action," she said.

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