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Does India Have A 'Rape Problem'?

Public anger over rapes this week forced the government to take new steps towards addressing the problem. As one went through graphic details of the assault on children as young as 8 months old, we ask whether India has a 'rape problem'. Is it because of this over arching patriarchal society that we live in, or can it be attributed to the fact that the conviction rate in the case of rape is abysmally low. The government, through an ordinance, hopes to toughen rape laws by raising the minimum punishment for rape from 7 to 10 years. The law will also set a deadline to investigating a rape case. For raping children under 12 years of age, the order allows for the judge to order death penalty to the convict. Will death penalty act as a deterrent to curb these horrific crimes? Experts are of the view that that may prove to be counterproductive as it may endanger the life of the rape victim. With a problem this grave, there are no easy answers here. What is clear however, that women's and children's safety should the priority of the government and stringent preventive action needs to be taken.

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