Examining the Social Aspects of Tiger Conservation

This Special episode from Ranthambore brings in all the aspects of tiger conservation in a fun filled one hour documentary. We have showcased the importance of involving the kids from the villages which surround the forest, all this could be achieved only with the help of the 'Kids for Tigers' initiative. The programme aims to bring out the vital connection between survival of the tiger and the ecological security of the Indian subcontinent. Through "edutainment" workshops, tiger fests, nature walks, film shows and tiger information kits, Kids for Tigers seeks to increase awareness among children about India's biodiversity and sensitize them to the fact that saving tigers and their forests will also secure our water supply and help save ourselves. We were also joined by top wildlife conservationists like Anish Andheria, Balendu Singh, Aditya Singh, YK Sahu and many more who helped us draft a new agenda for Save Our Tigers Season 4.