How Can Women Promote India's Economic Development?

In this special episode of Cashless Bano India Campaign, we will be discussing with experts how women must also be made partners in economic development and why greater use of digital financial services can accelerate the inclusion of hundreds of millions of unbanked women in formal financial systems, leading to better lives for women and their families and more robust and inclusive growth. Digital payments can promote women's economic empowerment and yield social and economic gains. As things currently stand, women generate just 17 percent of India's GDP. But, according to a recent research, empowering women to participate in India's economy on an equal basis to men would add a staggering $2.9 trillion to the nation's economy by 2025. In fact, according to the same research, India, more than any other country in the world, has the most to gain by closing the gender gap. Research shows that women invest 90% of their earnings back into their families - that's money spent on food, healthcare, schooling. There are many thousands of women in India who have done big and have excelled as entrepreneurs and have inspired and been role models. What the country needs is more of such women entrepreneur who can drive the economy ahead.

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