Director and filmmaker Imtiaz Ali visited Kolkata to showcase the anthology of four films titled My Melbourne at the Kolkata International Film Festival (KIFF). The anthology, directed by acclaimed filmmakers Imtiaz Ali, Onir, Rima Das, and Kabir Khan, explores powerful themes such as race, gender, sexuality, and disability.
Ahead of the special screening of My Melbourne at KIFF, the directors took a nostalgic ride on Kolkata's iconic heritage tram. This unique event celebrated the shared heritage of trams between Kolkata and Melbourne, two cities renowned for their rich history, creativity, and cultural significance.
The tram ride, which began at the historic Esplanade Tram Depot, included an intimate meet-and-greet session where the directors engaged with cinephiles. Imtiaz Ali also spoke to NDTV about his creative journey and shared insights on the new generation of Bollywood actors.