India's Covid Death Count vs WHO's Methodology: What's Not Right?

The World Health Organization estimated that the deaths related to Covid in India were around 47 Lakhs. Now, this is almost 10 times more than what the government has claimed. It's important to note that what the WHO is saying is not an absolute or actual number but a projection on the basis of statistical modelling. The WHO's projections, extrapolated on the basis of data study in 17 states matches the projections of the Lancet, the Economist and many other organisations. The Indian government refuted this report, saying that the modelling is inaccurate. Some sections in the government, not officially, also highlight what they call a deep-seated bias of the WHO against India - that the WHO found the cryptic data collection and reporting of Covid from China satisfactory, but they found fault in India's reports. So, which is more accurate - the Indian government's data or the WHO's projection? Or, is the truth somewhere in the middle?

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