India's Turn To Transform?

It has been more than two months since Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the notes ban move. The idea was to basically change the way Indian economy functions - from being predominantly a cash-based economy to being a digital one. Though the initial disruption has hit India's growth rate but it has also presented a plethora of opportunities. But is the demonetisation move enough? Should it be followed by more reforms - simplifying tax laws, acting on benami property holders, making India more attractive and making investments hassle free? What does the World think of India? Is the faith on India story intact despite losing the top slot of being the fastest growing economy in the world. Join us from Davos where Minister of Commerce and Industry Nirmala Sitharaman, SBI Chief Arundhati Bhattacharya, Economist Kenneth Rogoff and Professor Carmen Reinhart talk about whether India is well positioned to transform itself.

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