Is Israel Taking The Lead In Climate Tech? What This Could Mean For India | Read

There is goodwill for India amongst many in Israel. For an Indian visitor it's easy to come across namastes, Bollywood chatter and even a straight-up "we love India, India is good," the last from a bunch of school kids in Jerusalem.

It's a reflection of the close ties fostered between the two governments over the last couple of decades. Accompanying one such team of Indian and Israeli officials on a tour gave an insight into how this works. On the Israeli side, officials are often pulled in from across departments for this kind of tour regardless of whether that official has anything to do with the India desk or the subject of the tour. This tour's subject may appear mundane - wastewater management - but it's something Israel as an arid land is very proud about and believes, rightly so, that there are lessons of sustainability for others.

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