It Is A Myth That We Need Protein From Animals: Dotsie Bausch, Sportsperson

It Is A Myth That We Need Protein From Animals: Dotsie Bausch, Sportsperson:
Dotsie Bausch, 2012 Olympics Silver Medalist in Cycling joins NDTV-India Animal Fund #FreedomForAll Telethon and said, "It is a complete and utter myth that we need protein from animals. We need all three macronutrients, or we would die. We need protein, we need carbohydrates, we need fats. But we don't need protein that comes from an animal. And if you just think about the biggest animals in the world that have the most muscle mass, like a rhinoceros or an elephant, they're herbivores. They get all their protein from plants, and there are bountiful sources of protein in the plant world. You've got legumes, you've got nuts and seeds. You have all sorts of grains and wonderful vegetables. In fact, imagine this, if you ate only broccoli for the entire day and you ate 2000 calories of broccoli, you would be getting 220 grams of protein. So there's protein in everything."

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