Kashmir On The Boil: No Lessons Learnt?

The killing of Burhan Wani, a militant has thrown Kashmir again into a cycle of violence with protesters clashing with police and security forces. More than 40 civilians have lost their lives in the ensuing violence and hundreds injured - both civilians and security forces. Some of the civilians injured have lost their eyesight due to pellet injury. Could the loss of lives been avoided had the police been better equipped? Why hasn't the government done anything about upgrading the security forces, providing training for riot control? Is the failure of successive governments to bring a political solution to the Kashmir problem pushing the valley to the edge? Why is there a disconnect and alienation between the political establishment in New Delhi and Kashmiri youth? Are lack of jobs and development forcing the youth to come to streets to vent their anger? Adding to that is the growing concern of radical elements slowly spreading their tentacles. On The Big Fight we discuss: what can be done to bring peace to the region, which has just come out from the throes of a history violent militancy.

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