Senior BJP leader Ramesh Bidhuri made a sexist remark about Delhi Chief Minister Atishi on Wednesday, declaring the AAP leader is "roaming the city like a deer". At a rally in the national capital, which will hold an Assembly election in three weeks, he said, "Dilli ki janta nark bhog rahi hai galiyon mei... galiyon ki halat dekhiye... Kabhi Atishi nahi gayi milne logon se. Lekin ab chunaav ke samay jaise jungle mei hirni bhaagti hai vaise Atishi Dilli ki sadko pr hirni jaise ghoom rahi hain."
Translated, the remark means, "The people of Delhi are suffering in the streets of Delhi... Look at the condition of the streets... In the last four years, Atishi never came to meet the people and now when the elections are here, she is roaming on the streets of Delhi like a deer runs in the forest."