On a day former Union Home secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla takes charge as Manipur governor , the Kuki-Zo community has once again scaled up its agitations. The Kuki-Zo Council announced economic blockade in all Kuki-Zo inhabited districts of Manipur from midnight on January 2, till 2:00 AM on January 4, 2025, for what they claim as a move to stand against the blatant disregard for tribal rights and dignity. Vehicular movement and transportation of essential commodities passing through the Kuki-Zo inhabited areas will be totally restricted during the blockade. The Kuki-Zo Council fully endorsed the Committee on Tribal Unity (CoTU), Kangpokpi called for economic blockade; total shutdown in Kangpokpi district and mass public protest at Kangpokpi District which is on since January 1.