Meet India's Moon Stars: Shiv, Shakti and Nataraj

  • 1:54:08
  • Published On: September 27, 2023
While over a thousand people worked on the making of the Chandryaan-3 spacecraft for four years, the three core team leaders P Veeramuthuvel, Project Director, Chandrayaan-3; K Kalpana, Associate Project Director, and M Srikanth, Mission Director played a key role. Between them and the rocket specialists, they fixed the problems that occurred in 2019 during the fateful crash-landing of the Chandrayaan-2 on the lunar surface. Subsequently, this "dream team" fixed all the problems and scripted a clean and nominal soft-landing near the Moon's south police this time. All the three are below 50 years and will hopefully script many more historical space missions, including landing an Indian astronaut on the Moon. NDTV's Pallava Bagla brings you these exclusive discussions alongside the life-size lander Vikram and the rover Pragyan. The satellite was made at the UR Rao Satellite Centre in Bengaluru. Today, the real Vikram and Pragyan - after doing a cosmic dance - sit as India's ambassadors on the lunar surface at Shiv Shakti Point.

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